Finn McCool said:Just to open up a new area of discussion, why have helicopters never really been utilized in a anti-ship role. Of course, the world's navies have made ample use of choppers for SAR and Anti-sub warfare, but we've never seen any helicopter designed for anti ship warfare. For a developing navy like the PLAN, a chopper that can take off from a DDG (no carrier needed) and fire a few missles at a target from a different direction than the ship can would be a nice thing to have. Of course, at sea a helicopter does not have terrain features, ground heat, and other things like that to protect it.
To best of my knowledge, the British RN is the only force that has used helicopter launched anti-ship missiles extensively in war.
During the Falklands war, RN Lynx helicopters launched 8 Sea Skua anti-ship missiles, and claimed 100% hit rate, damaging 1 ARA ship and sinking 2. Later, during the first Gulf War, the RN launched 12 Sea Skua missiles, again with 100% claimed hit rate.
There was another incident during the Falklands war, where RN helicopters dropped torpedos and forced the ARA Santa Fe submarine to surface. So technically the sub was a "surface target' when it was attacked by RN Westland Wasp helicopters with 9 AS.12 missiles. The sub was severely damaged and abandoned.
netspider said:One simple reason I can give is those anti-ship missiles are heavy and big. The American Harpoon weights at least half ton (500KG), while Chinese C-80X usually weights near one ton, and Russian missiles weight from 2 ton to 4 tons. This does not count the weight and size of the launch device (canister, etc).
Then let's look at how much weight a helo can lift. The maximum payload of Mi-17 is only 4 ton, a UH-60 can only lift about 3.5 ton payload. Remember these are utility helos, they can carry more stuff than those attack helos. For the ship attack role, those helos will have to be modified to carry additional radars and those things, those will add weights as well. Given all these weight, I would expect an UH-60 type of helo can only carry at most two harpoons, and it would be hardly manuervable.
I read that the Westland Sea King helicopter can use Sea Eagle anti-ship missile, that one has 230kg warhead. Though I don't think it's in service anymore.
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