Ask anything Thread (Air Force)


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Are there any good resources to learn about the use of radars in satellites for military intelligence purposes?


Just Hatched
Registered Member
I found this video quite interesting but I don't know about it's veracity. It seems quite well researched but I not come across this before and wondered where their sources come from.



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Apparently the US is running into problems with its IRST system. IRST is pretty standard these days in the Chinese airforce. Is China ahead in this area by any chance?

It's kind of remarkable how far the US has lagged in integrating IRST into its combat aircraft when such systems have been standard on Russian, European and Chinese aircraft (in that chronological order) for many years now, and when the US itself integrated IRST on F-14D and planned to do so on ATF. One can explain how that situation came about, but that doesn't make it any less striking.

I do wonder if there are some cultural-institutional dimensions to this, akin to the US' aversion to the ski ramp or (historically) non-acoustic ASW sensing, or the more recent spurned-lover "I never even liked you anyway" attitude towards integrated masts.
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