Yup, GPT 2.0 started as a next word predictor...Your timeline only makes sense if progress were linear. The issue is that progress is geometrical. Ten years ago we were still struggling with image classification. Today, image classification is just an introductory to deep neural networks. I will give it at most five years before AI becomes capable of software engineering. 2030 is going to be the watershed moment when big-techs massively layoff their developers. Sure, we would still be programming in the 2030's, but the massive redundancies means we would be doing it at minimal wage instead of six figure salary.
Documentation doesn't generate revenues so no priority is given to it by management. Developers are overloaded with impossible deadlines that even writing good code is becoming a problem, forget about sparing time for documentation. Remember when disciplines with memory usage used to be a thing? Peppermint farm remembers. In the West, we have a pandemic of a bunch of know-nothing with arts and business degrees being in the driver seat making policies, then expect those in science and engineering to create miracles. It is a cultural problem rather than a scrum problem.
In less than 2 years we went from text to text , text to image, text to video, text to action and now text to game (AI nueral engine)
Chatgpt not yet 2 years old, when it first come out context window was 4k, now its 128k.... with the latest o1 showing steps ij its work and thinking etc
Now we have open source and open weight multi and omni modal models that are sota... something unimaginable just a year ago
Claude is 500k, and soon 1million tokens will be the norm
An AI upstart working on End to End AI software engineer found a way to get context window scaled up to 100 million tokens...
See AI Scientist paper
I would say in less than 2 years, Software Engineers will be out on the streets