
Tyrant King
Well old friend the Mekavas and Nammers are tracked vehicles. This a wheeled vehicle. Heavy wheeled vehicles tend to be limited to roads or solid surfaces and at 35 tons it will be less seen offroad and more on road. this is what I mean by less tactically mobile.
In traditional yes. However lately a lot of 8x8 APC and IFV have come in the 30-35 ton weight class the USMC ACV BAE offering is 34 tons with payload and that has and is under testing across Desert, Rocky, forest and even Amphibious environments. the technology has evolved a lot in the last few years this is because of newer suspension technologies.


Well old friend the Mekavas and Nammers are tracked vehicles. This a wheeled vehicle. Heavy wheeled vehicles tend to be limited to roads or solid surfaces and at 35 tons it will be less seen offroad and more on road. this is what I mean by less tactically mobile.

True .. Maybe I should've worded it differently...should've said fighting environments instead of terrain which includes urban warfare...so yes roads. Other reasons remain the same.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Ares to unveil Guarani personnel carrier with TORC30 remote controlled weapon station
Ares is developing a new TORC30 remote controlled weapon station for Guarani wheeled armoured personnel carrier that will be unveiled at the most important event of security and defense in Latin American LAAD (Latin America Aerospace and Defense).

The Guarani wheeled armoured personnel carrier with TORC30 roof-mounted remote weapon station will be displayed at the LAAD Defense & Security exhibition in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, April 2017.

The TORC30 system allows remote operation of a Rheinmetall MK30-2 / ABM 30mm cannon, mounted on an armored vehicle, stabilized in direction and elevation with the vehicle in movement, observing and identifying land and air targets with the use of camera and monitor , and carrying out the aim and the arms firing from a remote control station inside the vehicle.
Cannon 30mm

  • Rheinmetall MK30-2/ABM
  • 2 magazines with a capacity of 150 shots and 50 shots respectively
  • Possible to use ABM ammunition for air targets
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Tyrant King
Wow! That cannon is the same one used on the German Puma IFV
and on the Puma is looks small
yet on the Guarani
It's Freaken huge! which can only point out how tiny an AFV this thing is.
The Puma is 7.6m long, 3.9m wide, 3.6m tall a crew of 3+6 with a weight of 31 tonnes
The VBTP-MR Guarani is 6.9m long, 2.7m wide, 2.34m tall ( minus any turret) a crew of 2 +9 with a weight of 16.7 tones ( minus turret.)