Look like so many dislike on Facebook. Hehehe, Popeye, you are not alone. Would you guy consider quit Facebook?
What I hate the most is Facebook keep asking me for my real identity like phone number. I never gave it out!
As much rants as there are, we all solemnly recognize what benefits Facebook have and does to bring the world closer together. Hundreds of millions are able to reconnect with their friends, organize things, share their life, their beliefs and lots more due to the thanks to Facebook. And as much as many people here may hate it, I see Facebook as a true beginning to the birth of a second identity of everyone, in an actual virtual world.
How we formerly leave our footprint in this world is through our DNA and our physical existence, Facebook is soon becoming of a second "official identity" of us and where friends know we can be reached. In a modern era, necessities include our wallet and our number, while government data and financial records define our registration within the political world, but these are not as life and vibrant as an actual Facebook identity or a virtual identity which defines us being connected to the information world. While not everyone is a fan or fanatic on that stuff, nonetheless it does bring many changes to the world already. Finally, complemented with the introduction of smartphones, smartphones are now our physical portals to the virtual world and our identity.