It was a great movie. It nearly brought tears to my eyes.
It was a decent war movie by Western standards, but I think that is going a bit too far.
The problem wuth the movie is that it tries too hard to live up to Western standards alone. In doing so, it takes away something unique from the Chinese aspect of the story.
Watching it, I felt I was basically seeing a Chinese version of "Band of Brothers" or "Saving Private Ryan" forced on the screen with Chinese soldiers and a Chinese storyline. Everything from the shaky way the camera was held (to recreate the "chaos" of battle), choreography, costumes, and dialoge seemed like the film was trying a bit too hard to be like its Hollywood counterparts.
For example, the Communist soldiers address each other as "brother" instead of "comrade" to focus more on the theme of "brotherhood" than the ideology, as is common in most Western war movies. Attempting to follow Western filmmaking again, it seeks to "humanize" its characters more than Chinese war films in the past (which tend to be more propagandized and epic), but it strangely leaves out the development of nationalist soldiers. If this film seeks to be more "humanizing" in its depiction of war, the failure to address the other side, the KMT, especially in a Chinese Civil War between brothers is inexcusable.
And there are a lot of unrealisms too. The uniforms look too much like left-overs from the set of Band of Brothers. A lot of the weapons look like M1s, Brownings, and MG42s left over from Saving Private Ryan. THe village set looks a lot like the same French village in Normandy the 101st was fighting over in Band of Brothers, exdcept with a few Chinese signs painted over. One can perhaps try to justify these unrealisms by making up some contrived explanation in one's head (such as that maybe the Communists had "captured" all these American-looking weapons), but the fact is that they exist and stick out.
All in all, Jie Jie Hao does manage to decently get its story across, one supposedly of brotherhood and bonds in time of war, but its apparent imitation of so many standards set by American WWII movies takes away much of the credit. I have seen this film before, except just a couple years earlier on HBO, with more famous Hollywood actors.