bd popeye said:No the USN could not send all 12 to sea at once. But last year the USN deployed 7 at once in operation Summer Pulse 2004. USN CV's are constantly being updated. Check that Northrup-Grumman page. All 12 have the same basic capablity. The US has no "second line" active duty forces.
A single missile could not sink a CV unless it was a nuke. Multipule missiles would severly damage a CV but not sink it. In my opinion.
At what cost would the PRC risk to sink a CV? How many losses would the PRC take to possibly sink or damage a CV? The cost would be high. Very high.
How many PLA forces would be nutrelized just to sink a CV?
War Sucks!
Gotta go help my fiance move...Bye 'till tomorrow.
Given enough time, all 12 carriers can be fielded simultaneously. PLAN and PLAAF are also under the same constrained. All their forces cannot be concentrated and fielded in short notice and with out proper coordination.
In naval warfare, its not how fast or how far your missile can go, its whether you can see your target. In a war footing, a carrier group can travel up to 500 miles a day, does not radiate active radar other than AEW, and have a battle space radius of about 500 miles. If you are in this radius, you are tracked, classified, and targeted. Chances are, you probably will not know it until a harpoon missile is detected crossing the horizon.