New Member
Additionally attacking Iran would be tantamount to a declaration of war to all Shia muslims with majorities in Iraq, Azerbaidzhan, Bahrain and strong minorities in Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Pakistan, overall 130 million people streching from the mediterranean to the indian border. The entire midlle east would explode right in the face of all major powers and the resulting energy crisis would cause the world economy to collapse.
There are effectively only two options for Washington:
1. Make a deal and live with a nuclear capable Iran (just like the US did with NK and Pakistan).
2. Apply overwhelming force with a massive month long air campaign possibly followed up by a ground invasion destroying surviving remnants of the regime (though the troops for this operation would have to come from a limited US draft) . After that Iran would look like Germany or Japan in 1945 and more than a million Iranian's would be dead (compared with the carnage in Iraq my estimate for a country of three times Iraq's population is indeed conservative) but of course there would be enough fanatic insurgents (guess what kind of ´super Iraq´ the Pasdaran have prepared there!) in the Zagros mountains to carry on guerrilla warfare for decades and draining the resources of the US.
I doubt if governemnts/elites of muslim countries will react like that, they are devided, selfish and coward, each country only care about it's own interest, those who have been made slaves of the US will keep acting like that, though they will probably refuse to let US use their bases this time. Ofcourse the muslim people will be very angry and the number of 'terrorists' will grow by tens or hundreds times.
The 2nd option is not possible, the US can never afford the casulties that such ground attack takes, Bush will lose his job before bodycount hit honderedthousand. I think Bush will attack iran from air and sea only, causing iran to attack all targets in the region with missels and human bombs, making the whole midden east one big Iraq.