“I thought that COVID would really change the mindset of the people, the governments and manufacturing," Dente said. But he added: “The general marketplace is reverting back to their old ways -- meaning looking to buy product from China."
This right here is why I believe that China will come out the winner in this war with the U.S. It's all ABOUT THE ECONOMY STUPID. Despite all the America rah rah nonsense, people will ultimately follow with their wallet and that's with China. If the magic pillow wishful thinkers that some of the members on this forum thinks that China can be upended/contained economically by Jack and the beanstalk gangs without killing their own people then please go right ahead.
Just my 2 cheap cents, blah blah blah.
This Neo-Liberal world economic order, that was built by the Americans, with help from their allies, has served China well.
However, perceptions of the current Neo-Liberal world economic order varies widely.
The Chinese, with their Confucian upbringing and tradition of Imperial Examination, believe in the meritocracy inherent in this Neo-Liberal economic world order, where everyone competes.
However, to the Americans, everyone completes, but America should win.
Since America was not winning, or not winning more than other people, President Trump gets elected, and now the world is splitting into economic blocks apparently.
The chosen people should be winning right?
Since there are doubts, they lash out against real and imagined enemies.
This is the part where the Chinese negotiators roll their eyes.
They could go blind because they rolled their eyes so much.