I am reading "China's Future" a book by Prof David Shambaugh, a distinguished & well known academic of George Washington University. He is an old China Hand (I believe since 1990s) and has been to China several times at the invitation of Chinese Universities. I reckoned he also speaks Mandarin. I met him recently in Singapore during a talk he gave. He is respected and generally fair & objective in his views (governance, politics, economics etc.) on China. A 190+ pages book giving some useful insights. This book was published last year 2016 - (politybooks.dot com website for more info). I usually read and listen to both sides of useful stories, & keep and open mind like all sensible/practical consultants/academics/professionals should do. Incidentally, I found a very interesting quote by the Chinese Sage Li Gang relevant to President Trump: "If you don't understand tact, speak rudely, interact with people without manners, and behave inappropriately, you will lose people's friendship and fail in whatever mission you attempt".
I like Shambaugh, read his work, buy some of his books, and watch his video presentations often. He is generally insightful and balanced, but like most Westerners, he can't overcome viewing China through western glasses and put way too much emphasis on "democracy," "human rights," and "freedom of the press." Therefore, I see him as myopic and lacks historical perspective on economic developments of US and other wealthy western countries, plus Japan, RoK, Singapore, and Taiwan Province.
All successful countries since the UK-lead Industrial Revolution completed economic and industrial developments while still more or less undemocratic, socially unjust, with forms of authoritarian governance. They only embarked on massive social and political reforms after completing development, and building great institutions to run their countries. It's a national development model that has stood the test of time.
On the flip side, countries that democratized before completing economic and industrial developments are basket cases. Bush43 imposed democracy on Afghanistan and Iraq, with copious media coverage showing cheerful people with purple ink on their fingers. How did that turn out? India, post-Soviet Russia, and Brazil are monuments to the folly of democratizing before competing national developments.
Sadly, most Western China watchers I've come across, even ones that aren't generally hostile to China, are of the David Shambaugh and Winston Lord types who apparently think the India/Russia/Brazil model is better than the US/JPN/Taiwan model. From that, I conclude they either lack historical knowledge or are irrational.