Sep 28, 2019
and now I add this: at its inception, the US decided to be led by a President, not by a Monarch
The President of the United States is the Head of State, and Commander in Chief. As such his powers are those to set foreign policy and countermand orders of the military.
These are powers invested in the office by the US constitution. The office is not a absolute monarchy as the President can be removed not by abdication but by act of both houses of Congress though impeachment. Something highly controversial in even a constitutional monarchy virtually demanding an act of revolution. see King Charles the first and Second.
Congress sets the laws the President enacts them, although since FDR successive Congresses have delegated more and more to the agencies powers and responsibilities of there own. Including War powers. The President has the Veto but a super majority vote by both houses can countermand the veto.
The President has term limitations meaning that he can removed by act of the electoral system, Monarchs again baring revolution or abdication rule for life.
Part of what is happening right now is that parts of the US Government are feuding as the First term President of the United States wished to change US foreign policy’s an act within his preview, yet they insist it was not. Congress has the power to ratify treaty into law, the President has the power to negotiate said treaty. However if the treaty is not ratified it can be held to as policy until and unless a successor chooses to change said policy.
As such the actions stated may be distasteful but are within the rights of the office. Right now a lot of politics is floating as one party given the House has insisted that this sitting President, was placed in office improperly. Then was running his own foreign policy contrary to their wants.[ Odd as above he sets foreign policy and if they were trying to counter his wants then they would have been acting contrary to their positions. Meaning that the President would have been within his rights to fire them and find those who would act in accordance with his orders.] Or that he has somehow acted in a criminal manor. All this well at the edge of a new Presidential election cycle which naturally whips up political rancor.