R08 HMS Queen Elizabeth is captured beautifully by colleague Jonty M Sexton as she passes through the Portsmouth Harbour entrance and Round Tower outbound for WESTLANT19 and the North American East coast for over 3 months. Much to happen including 5 weeks of UK and US F35B Lightning Operational Trials in October.
In was in Pompey to see her off today! Damn she's a big girl!View attachment 53532
In other news:
The RN confirmed during the Press Briefing day held last week aboard the QE that the QE and her escorts will visit Halifax, Nova Scotia during WESTLANT19. Precise dates have yet to be confirmed.
Canada of course has always been a very long standing and significant UK and RN ally having been the UK’s closest and most supportive Imperial Dominion and to this day remains a very significant NATO and Commonwealth partner sharing the same monarch and Commander in Chief
As with other British Dominions up until the 1970s and 80s our navies operated similar hulls, and the Royal Canadian Navy operating an upgraded ex RN aircraft carrier too.
We share common concerns over the strategic implications of the Arctic region too especially as the great NW passage becomes free for year round global trade shipping due to global warming effects.
The recent purchase of up to 19 large surface combatants based on the new RN T26 ASW frigate design will underpin the reinvigoration of RN/RCN cooperation as the next decade rolls out including the possibility of the RN FOST at Plymouth helping the Canadians Surface Combatant programme.
HMS Northumberland (T23 ASW frigate) which will join the WESTLANT19 deployment later sailed on 29 Aug from Plymouth for Halifax-also to join the RCN and other nations vessels in the major NATO ASW exercise “Cutlass Fury 19” - indicative of more to come.
Glad to see this.At two years before commission, which will occur in late 2020 or early 2021, the John F. Kennedy, the 2nd Ford Class carrier, looks like this:
I do not believe anyone can show a pic of CV-18 anywhere close to this stage of construction.
JFK was 65% complete structurally two years before launch, and as you see two years before commissioning.
Launch: Late 2019-early 2020
Commission: Late 2020 to early 2021
Anyhow, my expectation from what I have heard (because we have not seen much to date, whereas for CV-16 and CV-17 we saw quite a bit at this stage of construction), is that she is likely 3-4 years away from launch and 4-5 years away fro commission...perhaps longer because they will have to integrate the entire catapult launch at sea into her trials.
Time will tell.
Glad to see this.
One reason is that it brings another Ford class on line soon. And that's good.
I see so many people him-hawing about the Ford. But it is a completely NEW CLASS. New reactors, new elevators, new catapults, new traps, new Island, new electric system, new radars, new self defense system, new berthing for he crew, new crew size and duties, This is not just a remake of a tried and tested Nimitz, this is a wholly new carrier and it is stepping over several technological lines that NO ONE has ever crossed before.
So take a break with the chicken little crap. It is not easy at all to do such a thing...and I spek as one who has been in the middle of large DOD project, like The Virginia Class, like THAADS, like the MLRS and the A-7 long ago...these things are tremendously complex...nd the ford is probably one of the most complexy overall systems we have done in decades!
Despite that, the USS Ford is out there as we speak and she is launching aircraft, and she is loading ordinance. And she is trapping aircraft. And she is still, next to the Nimitz class until she gets everything squared away...and SHE WILL GET IT SQUARED AWAY, the strongest carrier on the planet and able to take on and defeat with her CSG any ther she had to...and we pray she doesn't have to...but shw could, even with her issues.
Now, right now she is not as fast as they want in sorties rates...she is not as efficient as they want with the weapons elevators...and there are other problems. But they are working on it and they are making progress, and THEY WILL fix it.
The other reason I am glad to see the Island landed on the JFK is that it brings us one step closer to the USS Enterprise, CVN-80. If I was in love with a ship, it is CV-6, CVN-65, and soon CVN-80.
I predict to you all here that the Ford, like the F-35 will live up to all its expectations. They will be the cutting edge in carriers for the next fifty years and the problems will be corrected. Just remember what I said to start...there is A LOT OF NEW TECHNOLOGY going into this carrier. No other nation could probably even attempt such a change all at once. But the US Navy will make it work...mark my words on it.
I probably will not live to see the new Enterprise finished and to sea...but I hope to live to see her under construction and that will be enough.
One day, a few years from now, when 3-4 Ford class carriers are out there doing everything they are supposed to do...think back on me, and on this post.
Everybody nay sayed the enough countries can't buy them. They have lowered the price like they said they would...and no one believed they could. They are achieving sensor fusion making each one a mini-AEW, and no one believed they could. Many nations are now opting for them for their VTOL carriers...and no one (except maybe for yours truly) believed they would take off like that...and that is going to make a HUGE difference.
Now instead of 4-5 US carriers in the Western Pacific, there are those 4 or 5, there are up to 4 escort carriers in the Wasp and America class in the Pacific from the US, there are four more from Japan and Korea, Potentially two more from Australia and two more from India. That means with the F-35B in the mix, a true 5th gen stealth strike fighter, instead of 4 or 5 carriers, there will now be12-16 carriers. And they all can build more...and I for one, believe Japan, if pushed will build at least two more larger carriers.
China will not be able to outbuild all of those countries...then add Spain, Italy, the UK and others to that same mix. The F-35B is making a HUGE difference, and potential nations who would try and overcome that, are just not going to be able to...and I believe they will figure it out pretty soon. With now there being, within a couple of years, 16 carriers available in the Western Pacific...again not to mention the other US carriers, LHDs, and LHAs, or other allied in the Atlantic and the's just too much to try and keep up with.
Anyhow, for those who took issue with some of my spelling, thanks for pointing out mistakes so I can correct them...also, thanks for all of those who defended me.
My condition grows worse and it is not going to get better.
I will happily be here as long as the good Lord allows me to...and I do not fear moving on when He decides it is time. In a couple of weeks, we will have our 15th grandchild, that's another thing I am glad I will get to see...probably the most important. We and our kids are raising them all very well to know and love God above and follow His gospel..
It is HIS will, and HIS will is always for the best. Who am I...or who are any of us to think for a minute that we know better than He does.
God's blessings to you each, and to your friends and families, and to all of those who out of good will and a good heart seek to defend their people and nations.
@Obi Wan Russell @bd popeye @Air Force Brat @TerraN_EmpirE @asif iqbal @Equation @siegecrossbow @Deino @
@Obi Wan Russell @bd popeye @Air Force Brat @TerraN_EmpirE @asif iqbal @Equation @siegecrossbow @Deino to the not get me wrong. The Chinese should be proud of what they have accomplished. In the space of 15 years they have taken what amounted to a coastal defence force and turned it into a powerful blue water Navy. Experience counts in these things, so all the decades and decades that the UK, France, Germany, Japan, and Koea and Australia and others have been working with and exercising with the US Navy, practising what amounts to every conceivable scenario they can come up with makes all of those nations strong...and any one of the larger ones (Japan, the US, France, Korea etc) would be a difficult fight for the Chinese...and do not think they would not. You would make a huge mistake to underestimate what they can do, even with the numbers they have.
The point is, because of treaties they would not be alone for long in any case.
Having said that, still, the Chinese have developed what must be considered in terms of numbers and technology the second most powerful Navy on earth and they should be proud of that...and we, like they, should not underestimate them. They too are doing a LOT OF EXERCISING. They look squared away...and you can ask Popeye...there is a certain look, confidence, bearing about naval personnel who are confidant and squared away and the Chinese have it.
I congratulate them on it...and I understand their pride.
Just the same, the western nations are buying an assigning F-35Bs to their jump jet carriers precisely because the Chinese have succeeded very well and they are worried and know they have to find a force multiplier and something to even the field.
They see that they can make up a lot of ground on the carrier side by buying F-35Bs and arming the Dokdos, the Isumos, the Canberras, and others with them, and then exercising them with the US Navy and Marines...and they are doing it.
In one way China should be proud that they are causing such a another hand, perhaps they moved little too fast, because with the very strong capabilities and naval abilities these countries already have, getting them all to bring on the F-35Bs together like they are doing means a lot of thought went into it, and they coordinated it. Might have been better for China to go a little slower so that these other nations did not all jump into this new game together...because that is what they have done. They have been driven to make a strong, joint statement...and it a strong one.
As I said, on one side the Chinese deserve to be proud of what they have accomplished...on the other, it may have been better to still accomplish it, but perhaps to do so a little slower.
Building four Type 055s at once followed immediately by four more...building the Type 001A, and building the Type 002 Catobar , apparently two at a time, was perhaps too much to throw at these countries at once.
But that is just my own opinion.