Aircraft Carriers III

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
The French will insist on building it... as a replacement for CdG probably, but it will be a 'Euro' Carrier in the sense that the EU countries will have to pay for it. Maybe they'll get some token personnel on board if they stump up enough cash. A single carrier has only symbolic value as it will be unavailable half the time, as has been stated many times before. When they come up with a concrete proposal for a multi carrier force jointly funded and manned by several EU Countries' Navies then I might take it a bit more seriously...


Tyrant King
The EU increasingly seems to be more and more centered in Berlin and Paris so I am not surprised this gets floated. Particularly given the Franco German MBT program, Franco German Fighter program. A Franco German Carrier completes the trifecta of EU Land Air and Sea cementing a push to almost an EU Army.
No matter the cost the US DoD will have these Nimitz class ships overhauled.
got something for you, inside
FY 2020 Budget: Navy Cuts Ship, Aircraft Procurement; Vows High-End Weapons Procurement
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"However, the budget plan states that the next carrier, USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75), would not be refueled and instead would be used until its nuclear fuel is spent, sending it to an early retirement later in the 2020s."

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
The USN did this before and they're doing it again, it's a negotiating strategy for more money, They have to keep 11 carriers, IT'S THE LAW! Congress will have to stump up the cash, they control the budget, not the White House. Congress has overruled the WH many times before on matters like this, and will again.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has endorsed the idea of a joint European aircraft carrier....


The idea was suggested by her party’s leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the politician that succeeded Merkel last year as leader of the governing Christian Democratic Union in Germany, made the proposal in a weekend response to the French President’s proposals for European reform.

Germany and France are already working together on a future European combat aircraft.

“The next step could be to start on the symbolic project of building a common European aircraft carrier” to underline what the EU calls its global security role.

Merkel said Monday, according to Reuters, that “it’s right and good that we have such equipment on the European side, and I’m happy to work on it”.

It is currently unclear if this is a proposal for a jointly operated vessel or a common class, the latter however appears the least likely due to the cost.

In October 2018, the French Ministry of Defence launched an 18-month study for €40 million for the eventual future replacement of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle beyond 2030.

A decision for the new carrier is scheduled to take place beyond 2025, and the future carrier is to remain in service until beyond 2080 and one of the proposals is pictured above.

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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
got something for you, inside
FY 2020 Budget: Navy Cuts Ship, Aircraft Procurement; Vows High-End Weapons Procurement
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"However, the budget plan states that the next carrier, USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75), would not be refueled and instead would be used until its nuclear fuel is spent, sending it to an early retirement later in the 2020s."

You probably ought to read the article, there are increases there all over the place, I believe 20 F-35C's and 10 F-35B's, so pretty encouraging overall, additionally around 20 more F-5's for adversary squadrons, its a very good plan overall....

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
"However, the budget plan states that the next carrier, USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75), would not be refueled and instead would be used until its nuclear fuel is spent, sending it to an early retirement later in the 2020s."

The Virginia senators and congressmen plus others will not let this happen. TOO much money at stake.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
It makes no sense. I doubt that German voters will fund the carrier.
Germany does not have overseas colonies to defend.

France would be better off trying to cooperate with Italy and Spain on the carrier now that the UK is out.
You probably ought to read the article,
in case you missed it, or LOL if it was just your gambit, the context in

#4723 Jura, Yesterday at 8:10 PM

No matter the cost the US DoD will have these Nimitz class ships overhauled.
#4679 bd popeye, Mar 2, 2019

and regarding the rest of your post:
there are increases there all over the place, I believe 20 F-35C's and 10 F-35B's, so pretty encouraging overall, additionally around 20 more F-5's for adversary squadrons, its a very good plan overall....
Yesterday at 7:48 PM
now I skimmed over (LOL I wait until any part of what's inside becomes the law)
Here’s the breakdown of the Pentagon’s budget request
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I wait for the House

EDIT plus now noticed, posting below:
Last edited:


The US will reduce their carrier force. This happens, definitely. We do not know the moment. In 10 years, or in 20 years, or some one else in the future. But it happens!