Big Liz will sail for the USA tomorrow evening (Saturday 18th) at 6pm.
This is RUMOUR CONTROL, and here are the facts:
WESTLANT18 is the deployment title given to the imminent (longer than) 3 month deployment of HMS QE to the Eastern seaboard of the USA and other nearby areas to continue trials associated with both the Ship's capabilities and also to operate with the F35B for the first time on clearance trials. These trials using the F35B are also as much about the Ship's crew learning to operate the F35B and what detailed Ship’s procedures and limits need to be applied. Its about ship/air integration as much as the clearance of the F35B itself to use the QE class.
Remember this is not an operational deployment as the Ship and its air wing types are still in transition to clear, develop and train for the full operational capability in accordance with he MoD's Master UK CEPP Transition plan.
Here is some top level information about WESTLANT18 and some of the timetable as yet available.
The QE is believed to be escorted to the US by 1 T23 frigate (HMS Montrose) and 1 RFA Tide class FR Tanker
1) Carry out First of Class F35B Flying Trials (Phase One in 2 parts - DT-1 and DT-2). There is a separate Group file available on the detail of the F35 trials.
2) Carry out hot and humid climate/warm water ship performance and reliability trials
3) Carry out UK Defence Diplomacy Activities - including visits to USN bases, the port of New York, and other ports as yet to be announced
4) Deliver or recover UK resources and equipment associated with a combined and joint (overland) UK/US exercise.
In addition to the standard operating crew, elements of the UK CSG HQ and additional UK military observers, HMS QE will embark the following as shown and described separately in each of the attached pics below.
The following itinerary is understood (although precise dates are not yet available publicly, partly due to security considerations.
1) Depart UK 18 Aug 18 as readiness permits, and load remaining elements (820 & 845NAS) off Cornwall
2) Proceed direct to USN Mayport, Florida for several days berthed.
3) Proceed 2nd week of Sept to Caribbean Waters for hot weather and warm sea water ship trial. (It is not yet known if the QE will approach or berth at any British or other islands during this week long period)
4) Proceed to USN Base Norfolk, Virginia for shore leave and pre-F35B FOCFT preparations and loading.
5) Carry out DT-1 FOCFT - First landings and take off trials of F35B from the QE class - planned to start during last week of September for 3 weeks. It is understood the first F35B landing on HMS QE will occur on 22 Sep 18 all relevant factors being aligned.
6) Visit New York
4) Carry out DT-2 F35B FOCFT for 3 weeks late Oct/early Nov
5) Return to USN Base Norfolk to reconfigure and reload equipment post UK/US exercise for return to the UK
6) Further possible Defence Diplomacy activities and visits - as yet unannounced - possible visit to Canada TBC.
7) Mid December at the latest - Return to Portsmouth.
Note that to ensure that DT-1 and DT-2 can be achieved and the right weather and sea states data points achieved, then the QE is expected to move around the western Atlantic as best possible to find the relevant conditions. This might alter the time taken for both trial periods too.
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