I believe that ultimately they will have there full CIWS aboard, which as I understand it will include 3 Phalanx 20mm guns and 2-4 30mm DS30M guns.Queen Elizabeth Class Carriers Have Woefully Inadequate Close-In Air Defense Capabilities
December 22, 2017
just the link now as I'm leaving for a walk
But even with that, I agree they should have either a RAM launcher or SEA Ram, and should probably also have ESSM like the US does.
@Obi Wan Russell is there more planned than just the three halanx for truw CIWS?
I agree that these ships should have more complete CIWS.
I know they will have the Type 45 DDGs and Type 22 and later the new FFGs. but more self defense aboard does seem warranted.
Is this more liberal MPs doing?