@bd popeye @Jura @FORBIN @Obi Wan Russell @dtulsa @Air Force Brat @Miragedriver
Well, in the end, the proof will be in the pudding. That means, when all is said and done, and ten years we wook back on this, we will know if they got it right or not.
Like I have said many, many times...they are bringing new things forward. And it is not the 1st time the US Navy or other US Armed forces have done so, and have done so with two or three or four or five things at once.
Not will it be the last.
The US is one of, if not the only, nation that can still do that. it's what it takes to stay a generation or more ahead of others.
Now, many people today are so into instant gratification that they MUST see everything work perfectly ou of the chute...or they think something has gone terribly wrong.
But it hasn't...it's just the nature of staying in front of, or right on the edge of the curve.
That is all.
If they bit off too much...we will know it in a few years.
I do not think they have with the Ford, or the Zumwalt, or the F-35. I think all three of those are going to be looked back upon as unbelievably successful and unbelievably leap ahead projects.
I think the issue with the LCS is different.
In that case, they simply screwed up with people taking what could be a very good hull and trying to make something wierd out of it with modules, small crews, and some kind of forward "thinking" that did not hit on what was really needed for the warfighters and for such a class of ships.
That is not the case (IMHO) with the Ford, or the Zumwalt, or the F-35. All of those...if they work as advertised, are going to be generational and leap ahead.
Contrary to that, the LCS, if it had worked exactly like the dreamers wanted it...it still would not have been able to defeat peer or near peer vessels of similar sizes and in similar areas of the battle space. The LCS HAD to chaange to even be viable...and thank God it is changing, and that in addition to changing the actual LCS so they can fight, we are going to get and actual FFG now too.
But that is a completely different story from those other projects (Ford, Zum, and F-35).
Anyhow...that's my story and I am sticking to it.