But why does the PLAN have to follow? In fact, of all the navies in the Asian region, the PLAN has the largest and most formidable air arm that is independent of the national air force, a few hundred aircraft of which a significant number have stand off capability. The bomber fleet actually has much better strike and power projection reach than any of the ships. The question remains whether they would jump to making a true carrier rather than just a helicopter carrier.
You are asking the question if the PLAN should have dedicated helicopter carrying vessels. The 071 is already a step forward to that, and its not hard to see they can go even further. In my opinion, the LPD is much more potentially useful to the PLAN as opposed to the LPH, and I would rather build more LPDs rather than LPH.
Maybe you should ask the question why other navies in the Asian region hasn't have nuclear submarines much less a ballistic missile one. Is it necessary for any navy to match another navy on a feature to feature basis?
Frankly I think helo carriers are downright vulnerable in a potential fight with the USN, so why build them other than for peaceful power projection purposes? The JSDMF and the ROKN can claim they can work their LPHs under USN cover.
Unless you seriously reinforce the decks for VTOL jet fighter blast--Harriers are known to melt pavement---helicopter carriers are dubious for VTOL jet fighters. Taking off in VTOL means the blast would affect nearby parked planes, which means you must have a minimum distance where the plane takes off and where the other planes are parked. The spot where the plane takes off is going to be left pretty hot and may not be usable for any other aircraft until it cools off. If you want true carrier aviation, just better to go with conventional take offs and landings and don't waste your time and breadth on jet VTOL. And if do want jet VTOL, you need to build something at least in the 30,000 to 40,000mt displacement range, a small full carrier like the Kiev class. You at least need the option for conventional take offs and landings. VTOL aircraft is not as easy--or even as safe---as helicopters in controllability in vertical take off and landings.