Another thought crossed my mind last night as I was at work about this conversion, If EMALS are fitted, more generating power would bee required, certainly more than can be provided by the ships' main propulsion system. But instead of wild ideas about installing nuclear reactors, I thought GTDAs, Gas Turbine Driven Alternators. Gas Turbines tend to have a low ship impact in terms of how much space and weight in the ship they occupy compared to Steam or Diesel powerplants of comparable power, but often this advantage is lost because they require large air downtakes and exhaust uptakes which occupy large volumes within the hull. For this reason many new designs are looking to GTDA electric propulsion, moving the GTs to a part of the hull above the water line where trunking for the intakes and exhaust can be kept as short as possible, and the power they generate can be converted to electricity then used to power electric motors driving the props. In the Cavour conversion they could be installed in the port overhang exhausting downwards (reducing IR signature as well) and would be dedicated to powering the cats normally. In emergency they could be used to provide emergency power to the ship if the main plant is disabled (with emergency electric motors that could be coupled to the shafts if needed). The Italian Navy has a secondary disaster relief role and the ability to generate power for towns ashore whose own power stations have been disabled would be a big plus.