Talking about the USMC requirements, another project that comes to mind is the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle except that one was officially cancel.. Do you agree that was a good decision or a bad one?
In that instance, though I would have personalluy preferred to see the EFV completed, both the Secretary of the Navy and the Commandant of the Marine Corps publically recommmended its cancellation.
Even though the program was plagued with problems (much higher costs and failures that resulted in the 2007 decision to, in essence, completely restart the program), with that behind them the program was moving along much better, but the principle reason cited at the cancellation was because their future threat analysis showed that they could accomplish the mission successfully by extending the life (including adding new electronics and weapons) to existing vehicles until a replacement, less capable and less costly new vehicle was developed and delivered.
Clearly poilitcal pressure and the resulting overrun in budget from the earlier big problems also figured into it.
But, given the reasons cited, and given the state of technology and the threat analysis, I do not believe the same conditions that applied to the EFV apply with either the V-22 or the J-35B.
Time will tell...but I believe the J-35B will continue. Anyhow we are getting further and further off topic from Carriers and had best get back to the purpose of this thread..