Aerodynamics thread


Banned Idiot
Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

[Mig, that the Su-27 can do a nice cobra is academic, it is done quickly, your thesis seems to be that to be an effective A2A platform it must perform the cobra, that my boy is nonsense. Whether or not an aircraft can do anything in post stall is not the current aim or issue, that it is able to turn and be supermanueverable is great and def adds to A2A, your obvious bias against Dr. Song and the J-21 is just a racist attack, something you have accused others of. While I have stated that you are a bright lad, I do wish you would quit trying to prove me wrong in that regard, I do hate being wrong about people. While these papers are nice and well written, I doubt the authors would approve of some of the extrapolations you have made. You seem to have no desire to understand or be fair to J-20 or Dr. Song, this is a defense forum, not a Jr. High class. Your head knowledge isn't matched by the ability to practically apply that to a "particular" aircraft. The one quality that Dr. Song posseses that you seem to lack is maturity , and that maturity allows him to be "objective"! I really don't think it serves our discussion of aerodynamics well if you continue to attack those who disagree with you personally. I go by Air Force Brat, because I want people to know that some of my knowledge is incomplete, and I do want to understand, there were a lot of guys on the J-20 thread who wanted to have an aerodynamic discussion, but the flavor of this thread, that started out nicely, is being poisoned by a nasty attitude, so please out of respect for your friends, lets drag this discussion out of the gutter, and approach it in a mature more respectfull manner. This should be the best thread on the forum IMOH, and my Daddy told me I only had one mouth, and two ears, so I ought to spend more time listening than talking. Cheers Brat, oh and Happy Easter.

To start use tailplanes or canards is mission dependant, J-20 or Rafale are just the result of the requierements their respective air forces have.

And here is not if you are right or wrong is the fact you have to prove scientifically that canards are consider the best solution for post-stall, something you are not doing, prove me with an article that canards are superior from different sources.

In Europe canards were used because if you use a delta there are some advantages by using canards, the French favour canards but in the US they do not, in fact F-22 has tailplanes.

Why? tell me why? not with arguments of little value as youa re doing now, but by acknowledge documents.

To start the F-22 has tailplanes because a close couple has a short lever arm, so higher deflections are made something i know will impact stealth, another factor you are not seeing is canards have to be set higher than the wing for better results thus affecting planforming.

At high supersonic speeds canards are not better for trimming so why the F-22 will have a canard?
there is no reason.

Post stall is the same Su-27 does post stall with tailplanes and so is F-22 or Su-37.

MiG-1.44 has trailing edge extensions like X-29 for a reason however you are not comenting why or are you?

this picture shows the trailing edge extension on X-29 deflected downwards
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What allows post stall are several factors that are not just having tailplanes or canards, however as the figure i posted both tails can do post stall.

Now what happens with long couple canards? are you explaining it? no you are not is already known that long couple canards have losses of lift but gain lower drag, so what Song says if he added a LERX to fill for the lift lost.

Of course you can see that close couple canards also increase pitch up moment for that reason the french did not go with a canard as Eurofighter`s.

But the long couple canard indeed is better for lower drag and that is proven in Eurofighter`s superior supercruise over Rafale.

However you seem to think Song idea of adding a LERX is new? really? Rafale has LERXes and Eurofighter as well as Gripen have strakes behind their canards adding a second vortex system and Eurofighter tested even LERXes
see these pictures
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So before saying i am bias you should read history of fighter design and the papers that have been published.

And a little detail, we talk about aerodynamics, so keep in focus prove your points with papers not with baseless accusations.
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Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

wow more flip flop.

Here is your typical tactic mixing sources to claim a source says other things

Nope. There is no flip flop. This is just your typical tactic of using silly little word-games to distort papers to suit your beliefs. Dr. Song has been pretty clear on the use of "unconventional aerodynamic control mechanisms" when talking about the canards:
As a result, it is vitally important to study unconventional aerodynamic control mechanisms for high AOA flights.

The article says

canard deflection (delta_c) influences the angle of attack in the below-stall range, see Fig-10, but does not influence in the post stall range.......

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where you says that conventional control is lost at high AoA:
if the aircraft can fly at angles of attack of 80[SUP]o[/SUP] - 120[SUP]o[/SUP] with the ability to maintain stability in all channels. In this flight regime the ability for conventional control is usually lost.

Tailplane is part of those conventional controls, canard is not. The paper is even more explicitly by making the following statement:
A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

Thus, tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA, which is the same the facts stated in Dr. Song's paper. It is because of that ineffectiveness that makes canard superior at high AoA, as canard doesn't encounter the same problem.


if the aircraft can fly at angles of attack of 80o - 120o with the ability to maintain stability in all channels. In this flight regime the ability for conventional control is usually lost.

Correct! And by conventional control,
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is referring to tailplanes, which is explicitly mentioned in the following statement:
A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

Thus tailplane cannot be used to control the aircraft at high AoA. This is why Su-27 has to keep the Cobra maneuver as short as possible. Aircraft that has TVC can be controlled at high AoA and aren't subjected to such time limitation.

a but as a good falacy you claim the article says canards work because Song paper hahaha
Nope. The only fallacies are those that made by you. Take the above statement for example, it is known as
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. It is a fallacy because you are claiming I said "
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says canards work", a statement that is actually your own invention. :rolleyes:

What I have been saying is that tailplane is ineffective at high AoA, a fact pointed out by many of your own sources. Thus, canard is superior to tailplane as pointed out in Dr. Song's paper:
Control surfaces placed in front of the center of mass, like the canards, are negative load control surfaces. Since the main wing's ability to generate lift tends to saturate under high AOA conditions, the positive load control surfaces' pitch down control capabilities tend to saturate under high AOA as well. Therefore it will be wise to employ negative load control surfaces for pitch down control under high AOA conditions. Figure 7 compares the pitch down control capabilities of the canards and horizontal stabilizers. From the high AOA pitch down control stand point, it will be wise to use canards on the future fighter.

The article says canards do not work

you just make your own concept to say something the article does not say.

No where in
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does it say canards do not work when the aircraft is in high AoA, and you haven't been able to provide an ounce of proof showing that the case. Furthermore, that same article makes the following statement:
A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

That tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA is what I have pointed out repeatedly. And this is why the paper agrees with the facts stated in Dr. Song paper regarding inadequacy of the tailplane, debunking your claim otherwise. :rolleyes:

you just make your own concept to say something the article does not say.

Nope. This is
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of your own dishonesty on to others. You distort statements from the article to claim it says something that it does not say, so you assume others are doing the same thing. :rolleyes:

What Song says in one article does not chance what the original author said

canard deflection (delta_c) influences the angle of attack in the below-stall range, see Fig-10, but does not influence in the post stall range.......
Well then, let's look at what the original authors from
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A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

Tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA. This means active deflection of taliplane cannot be used to provide pitch moment at high AoA, and it is in agreement with Dr. Song's paper. It is because of this lost in effectiveness that makes tailplane inferior to canard at high AoA. From Dr. Song's paper:
Control surfaces placed in front of the center of mass, like the canards, are negative load control surfaces. Since the main wing's ability to generate lift tends to saturate under high AOA conditions, the positive load control surfaces' pitch down control capabilities tend to saturate under high AOA as well. Therefore it will be wise to employ negative load control surfaces for pitch down control under high AOA conditions. Figure 7 compares the pitch down control capabilities of the canards and horizontal stabilizers. From the high AOA pitch down control stand point, it will be wise to use canards on the future fighter.

as such your tactic is avoiding what the original source says trying to mix sources and linking them in a way you think your thesis is real hahaha.

You are the real verbosity fallacy maker
Since the original article does not say the canard work at post stall.

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does not say canard doesn't work at post stall either. What the article does say is that tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA:
A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

There is no fallacy involved in pointing out an explicit statement made by the author to debunk your claims. What this is called is pointing out facts and debunking your pseudo-aerodynamic theories. :rolleyes:

It is you who does not quote that part and avoids it.

"Angle of Attack and tailplane deflection depend very strongly on the flight path angle in the post stall region, and practically do not depend in the below stall region

Nope. I quote that
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very often. Here, I will do it again:
A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

Very strong deflection of the tailplane in the post-stall region is not a proof that tailplane is effective in providing pitch moment at high AoA. Indeed, from the above quote, you can see that paper is quite explicit at saying tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA. This means tailplane cannot be used to provide pitch moment at high AoA, thus debunking your claim.

"third phase, (recovery from the manoeuvre) characterised by full deflection of the horizontal tail for diving with the increasing,"

The same
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from which you extracted the above quotes from also says this:
It can be explained by loosing of effectiveness of control surfaces... In the range of AoA up to 35[SUP]o[/SUP] the normal increases approximately linearly, then stabilises and practically the tail surface losses its effectiveness.

Deflection of the tailplane does not mean it is useful in providing pitch moment, just as flapping your arms wildly doesn't enable you to fly. :rolleyes:

mean theya re not trimming so what is that? of course you need to claim the tailplane lost 100% ability but the canard does not and you do it avoiding the part you do not like but quoting song

No where did I claim the tailplane lost 100% ability. Such a statement is your own invention that you argue against. Thus, this is another example of your
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fallacy. All I have stated is that tailplane loses effectiveness, how it is a fact pointed out by many papers, and how it is in agreement with Dr. Song's paper.

As to canards, they have no problem at high AoA. As pointed out by
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which you cited, the canard maintain zero AoA and remains an effective control surface even when the aircraft has large AoA:
In piloted supernormal flight of the aircraft of the present invention, the wing of an aircraft, such as a superagile tactical fighter, is either partially or completely stalled, while the longitudinal control surfaces, such as in a rotatable canard arrangement, are deflected to approximately the same magnitude, but of opposite sign, as the angle of attack of the aircraft, so that the canard arrangement remains effective to control the aircraft through large ranges of angles of attack, pitch,and flight path. Such angles may vary from descending flight to deep stall, i.e., to ascending flight in vertical climb, i.e.

This is the same idea presented in Dr. Song's paper.

hahaha when in reality the article says

canard deflection (delta_c) influences the angle of attack in the below-stall range, see Fig-10, but does not influence in the post stall range.......

So to avoid that you quote Song trying to imply the author said canards do work but tailplanes do not

this shows you are just the true fallacy maker since the author at no moment says the canard works

Actually, the authors of the
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says tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA;
A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

Tail surfaces losses its effectiveness at high AoA means they cannot provide the necessary pitch moment; that's the reality. Pointing that out with no distortion is not a fallacy, but an act of pointing at facts to debunk your b.s. Also because the paper says tailplane loses effectiveness, it is in agreement with Dr. Song's paper regarding saturation of tailplane at high AoA, hence showing no disagreement with Dr. Song's assertion that canard is superior to tailplane at high AoA.

Just because you are employing fallacies, that doesn't mean others behave in the same way.
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your own personal flaws on to others. :rolleyes:

Niether the american papers say the canards are better since they say


or the that the aircraft lost total control since

usually does not equal always
Neither do the papers say that canards are worse at high AoA. The papers also do not say tailplane is more effective at high AoA. What we do have are papers that say tailplane is ineffective at high AoA. The
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A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

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It can be explained by loosing of effectiveness of control surfaces... In the range of AoA up to 35[SUP]o[/SUP] the normal increases approximately linearly, then stabilises and practically the tail surface losses its effectiveness.

Then we have a
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which was also quoted by you saying canard remains effective to control the aircraft at high AoA:
In piloted supernormal flight of the aircraft of the present invention, the wing of an aircraft, such as a superagile tactical fighter, is either partially or completely stalled, while the longitudinal control surfaces, such as in a rotatable canard arrangement, are deflected to approximately the same magnitude, but of opposite sign, as the angle of attack of the aircraft, so that the canard arrangement remains effective to control the aircraft through large ranges of angles of attack, pitch,and flight path. Such angles may vary from descending flight to deep stall, i.e., to ascending flight in vertical climb, i.e.

Finally, we have Dr. Song's paper that says tailplane saturates and is inferior to canard in providing pitch moment at high AoA:
Control surfaces placed in front of the center of mass, like the canards, are negative load control surfaces. Since the main wing's ability to generate lift tends to saturate under high AOA conditions, the positive load control surfaces' pitch down control capabilities tend to saturate under high AOA as well. Therefore it will be wise to employ negative load control surfaces for pitch down control under high AOA conditions. Figure 7 compares the pitch down control capabilities of the canards and horizontal stabilizers. From the high AOA pitch down control stand point, it will be wise to use canards on the future fighter.

All the papers are in agreement with one another.

So you hang on a lie and misquoting by saying tailplanes can not ever being use something that is a lie since Usally means sometimes most of times but it does not mean always and here it can be talking about the F-15 or F-18 and to prove it see

Such is a
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of your own attributes (lying and misquoting) on others. Also, no where have I ever said that "tailplanes can not ever be used". Your claim otherwise is a fallacy known as
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and is an example of a lie. :rolleyes:

Tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA. This is applicable to all aircraft. For example,
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and is not talking about the F-15 or F-18. In the paper, the authors stated that control surfaces lose effectiveness and that tailplane loses effectiveness:
It can be explained by loosing of effectiveness of control surfaces... In the range of AoA up to 35[SUP]o[/SUP] the normal increases approximately linearly, then stabilises and practically the tail surface losses its effectiveness.

There is no ambiguity there. Tailplane losing effectiveness at high AoA means that the control surface cannot be used to provide necessary pitch-down moment at that situation. Hence, canard is superior to tailplane at high AoA as explained by Dr. Song:
Control surfaces placed in front of the center of mass, like the canards, are negative load control surfaces. Since the main wing's ability to generate lift tends to saturate under high AOA conditions, the positive load control surfaces' pitch down control capabilities tend to saturate under high AOA as well. Therefore it will be wise to employ negative load control surfaces for pitch down control under high AOA conditions. Figure 7 compares the pitch down control capabilities of the canards and horizontal stabilizers. From the high AOA pitch down control stand point, it will be wise to use canards on the future fighter.

the post-stall region provided that several criteria are met:
1. The aircraft has enough thrust to overcome the huge drag increase.
2. The aircraft has controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail.

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from which you have obtained the above bullet points is referring to thrust-vectoring when it says "controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail". It is not referring to tailplane and does not support your pseudo-aerodynamic theories that tailplane can be used in control at high AoA.

From the very paragraph which follows that bullet point:
Hence the reason that the post-stall region has only been a fairly recent area of study: T/W ratios needed to increase, C[sub]L[sub]max[/sub][/sub] values needed to increase, and non-aerodynamic controls (such as TV) had to be developed before an aircraft would be capable of controlled flight in this very adverse aerodynamic region.

The author's intention is clear.

So your misquoting of the article does not consider that the article says canard do not work you shot your self in your foot and other articles say tailplanes are deflected
If you are referring to the
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, it never said canard does not work at all. Quite the opposite, on one page the author mentions that canard is more conductive to high AoA maneuvering than tailplane:
AOA range expanded by 50°, almost twice the T/W ratio at altitude, smaller moments of inertia, and control surfaces more conducive to high AOA maneuvering (i.e. canards vs. a stabilator).

So, was the author shooting himself/herself in the foot. Quite clearly not. The most plausible explanation left is that you are attempting to distort their statements because you are desperately trying to show that your belief of tailplane being effective at high AoA is correct.

In any case, canard is one of those controls that "will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail", since canard is not linked to the wing and is not part of the tail. In addition, the canard can be orientated to maintain low AoA at all times, as explained in this
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In piloted supernormal flight of the aircraft of the present invention, the wing of an aircraft, such as a superagile tactical fighter, is either partially or completely stalled, while the longitudinal control surfaces, such as in a rotatable canard arrangement, are deflected to approximately the same magnitude, but of opposite sign, as the angle of attack of the aircraft, so that the canard arrangement remains effective to control the aircraft through large ranges of angles of attack, pitch,and flight path. Such angles may vary from descending flight to deep stall, i.e., to ascending flight in vertical climb, i.e.

There is no contradiction among the papers. :rolleyes:
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Banned Idiot
Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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Nope. There is no flip flop. This is just your typical tactic of using silly little word-games to distort papers to suit your beliefs. Dr. Song has been pretty clear on the use of "unconventional aerodynamic control mechanisms" when talking about the canards:
this does not prove song`s statements

canard deflection (delta_c) influences the angle of attack in the below-stall range, see Fig-10, but does not influence in the post stall range.......

in fact it denies it, you are extrapolating Song`s statement in order to chance the statement of the author

and a detail Su-35 does the hook with no TVC and Su-27 cobra without TVC so as usual you lied
since this statement applies to non vectored thrust post stall maneouvres

the post-stall region provided that several criteria are met:
1. The aircraft has enough thrust to overcome the huge drag increase.
2. The aircraft has controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail.

original Su-35 no thrust vectoring nozzles Su-37 has TVC nozzles haha more lies engineer?
From the very paragraph which follows that bullet point:

Hence the reason that the post-stall region has only been a fairly recent area of study: T/W ratios needed to increase, CLmax values needed to increase, and non-aerodynamic controls (such as TV) had to be developed before an aircraft would be capable of controlled flight in this very adverse aerodynamic region:

Radar Irbis-E for the Su-35BM at MAKS Airshow 2009Su-27M/Su-35
Single-seat fighter.
Two-seat fighter and trainer. Features taller vertical stabilizers and a forward fuselage similar to the Su-30.
Single-seat fighter with upgraded avionics and various modifications to the airframe. Su-35BM is informal name.[38][39]
Russian domestic version of Su-35BM.[38][39]
Thrust-vectoring demonstrator.

that a configuration consisting of canard, wing, and horizontal tail is
superior in performance, to either canard or horizontal tail at high angles
of attack
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Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

To start use tailplanes or canards is mission dependant, J-20 or Rafale are just the result of the requierements their respective air forces have.

And here is not if you are right or wrong is the fact you have to prove scientifically that canards are consider the best solution for post-stall, something you are not doing, prove me with an article that canards are superior from different sources.

In Europe canards were used because if you use a delta there are some advantages by using canards, the French favour canards but in the US they do not, in fact F-22 has tailplanes.

Why? tell me why? not with arguments of little value as youa re doing now, but by acknowledge documents.

Actually, it has been scientifically proven that canard is superior to tailplane at high AoA. As explained in Dr. Song's paper:
Control surfaces placed in front of the center of mass, like the canards, are negative load control surfaces. Since the main wing's ability to generate lift tends to saturate under high AOA conditions, the positive load control surfaces' pitch down control capabilities tend to saturate under high AOA as well. Therefore it will be wise to employ negative load control surfaces for pitch down control under high AOA conditions. Figure 7 compares the pitch down control capabilities of the canards and horizontal stabilizers. From the high AOA pitch down control stand point, it will be wise to use canards on the future fighter.

To start the F-22 has tailplanes because a close couple has a short lever arm, so higher deflections are made something i know will impact stealth, another factor you are not seeing is canards have to be set higher than the wing for better results thus affecting planforming.

At high supersonic speeds canards are not better for trimming so why the F-22 will have a canard?
there is no reason.

Post stall is the same Su-27 does post stall with tailplanes and so is F-22 or Su-37.

MiG-1.44 has trailing edge extensions like X-29 for a reason however you are not comenting why or are you?

this picture shows the trailing edge extension on X-29 deflected downwards

What allows post stall are several factors that are not just having tailplanes or canards, however as the figure i posted both tails can do post stall.

The F-22 employing tailplane simply means the problem of tailplane ineffectiveness at high AoA is not an issue because of powerful engines and the employment of TVC. It is not an indication that tailplane can be used for control at high AoA.

The Su-27 being capable of Cobra maneuver and putting itself in post-stall is not a proof that tailplane can work at high AoA. The Su-27 can recovery solely because of change in stability, and is not dependent on active deflection of the tailplane.

What allows F-22 and Su-37 to have super-maneuverability is TVC, and because of this the aircraft are able to maintain control at high AoA. Employment of tailplane on these aircraft does not mean tailplane is used for control at high AoA.

Now what happens with long couple canards? are you explaining it? no you are not is already known that long couple canards have losses of lift but gain lower drag, so what Song says if he added a LERX to fill for the lift lost.

Of course you can see that close couple canards also increase pitch up moment for that reason the french did not go with a canard as Eurofighter.

But the long couple canard indeed is better for lower drag and that is proven in Eurofighter`s superior supercruise over Rafale.

However you seem to think Song idea of adding a LERX is new? really? Rafale has LERXes and Eurofighter as well as Gripen have strakes behind strakes adding a second vortex system and Eurofighter tested even LERXes
see these pictures
So before saying i am bias you should read history of fighter design and the papers that have been published.

And a little detail, we talk about aerodynamics, so keep in focus prove your points with papers not with baseless accusations.

Whether the idea of adding LERX is new or not does not change the fact that tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA, nor does it change the fact that canard is superior to the tailplane at high AoA for pitch moment. :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 12:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------

this does not prove song`s statements

canard deflection (delta_c) influences the angle of attack in the below-stall range, see Fig-10, but does not influence in the post stall range.......

in fact it denies it, you are extrapolating Song`s statement in order to chance the statement of the author

Nope. From
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, it is mentioned that tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA, which prove Dr. Song's statement:
A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

This is the case because Dr. Song has also mentioned ineffectiveness of tailplane at high AoA. From Dr. Song's paper:
Control surfaces placed in front of the center of mass, like the canards, are negative load control surfaces. Since the main wing's ability to generate lift tends to saturate under high AOA conditions, the positive load control surfaces' pitch down control capabilities tend to saturate under high AOA as well. Therefore it will be wise to employ negative load control surfaces for pitch down control under high AOA conditions. Figure 7 compares the pitch down control capabilities of the canards and horizontal stabilizers. From the high AOA pitch down control stand point, it will be wise to use canards on the future fighter.

You are extrapolating your belief in order to change the statement of the author of
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. But the fact remains: canard is superior to tailplane because canard is maintained at small AoA at all times.

---------- Post added at 12:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 PM ----------

and a detail Su-35 does the hook with no TVC and Su-27 cobra without TVC so as usual you lied
since this statement applies to non vectored thrust post stall maneouvres

Nope. Just because you lie, you automatically think other people lie, but that's not the case. This is simply a
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of yourself on to others.

Any aircraft can stall, but that doesn't mean every aircraft are capable of being in control at stall. So, an aircraft being in post-stall maneuver and an aircraft capable of being in control in post-stall maneuver are two different concepts. This means your example of F-22 does not constitute as a proof that tailplane a is effective at providing pitch moment at high AoA.

the post-stall region provided that several criteria are met:
1. The aircraft has enough thrust to overcome the huge drag increase.
2. The aircraft has controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail.

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which you have obtained the above bullet points from, and in fact in the next paragraph the following statement is made:
Hence the reason that the post-stall region has only been a fairly recent area of study: T/W ratios needed to increase, C[sub]L[sub]max[/sub][/sub] values needed to increase, and non-aerodynamic controls (such as TV) had to be developed before an aircraft would be capable of controlled flight in this very adverse aerodynamic region.

The author's intention is referring to TVC, not the tailplane. Thus the bullet points do not support your claim that tailplane is effective at high AoA.

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 PM ----------


Radar Irbis-E for the Su-35BM at MAKS Airshow 2009Su-27M/Su-35
Single-seat fighter.
Two-seat fighter and trainer. Features taller vertical stabilizers and a forward fuselage similar to the Su-30.
Single-seat fighter with upgraded avionics and various modifications to the airframe. Su-35BM is informal name.[38][39]
Russian domestic version of Su-35BM.[38][39]
Thrust-vectoring demonstrator.

An excellent video. Note that from
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, the tailplane has negative deflection to provide the initial pitch rate for the Cobra maneuver. However, the tailplane remains at that position, showing that its deflection is irrelevant to the pitch-down moment for recovery. Thus, it confirms the explanation by
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that pitch-down moment is only caused by shift of the aerodynamic center:
The recovery from high angles of attack to the classical flight mode in a few seconds only is possible due to moving the center of pressure on main wing the center of pressure on main wing back and creating the strong nose-down aerodynamic pitching moment about the center of gravity.

Your video debunked your claim that active deflection of the tailplane is used to provide pitch-down at high AoA. :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------

that a configuration consisting of canard, wing, and horizontal tail is superior in performance, to either canard or horizontal tail at high angles of attack

A tri-surface configuration being superior to the other two configuration is not a proof that tailplane can be used at high AoA. It also does not contradict with the fact that canard is superior to tailplane for providing pitch-down moment at high AoA.


Banned Idiot
Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

Actually, it has been scientifically proven that canard is superior to tailplane at high AoA. As explained in Dr. Song's paper:

The author's intention is referring to TVC, not the tailplane. Thus the bullet points do not support your claim that tailplane is effective at high AoA
haha so now you go to more lying, now 2. The aircraft has controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail.
means thrust vectoring is dependant upon lift?
hahaha more lies, thrust vectoring now is stalled hahaha by flow separation.

more lies haha wow thrust vectoring stops working due to flow separation on wing and tail wow

An excellent video. Note that from 0:17 to 0:22, the tailplane has negative deflection to provide the initial pitch rate for the Cobra maneuver. However, the tailplane remains at that position, showing that its deflection is irrelevant to the pitch-down moment for recovery. Thus, it confirms the explanation by this paper that pitch-down moment is only caused by shift of the aerodynamic center:
"Angle of Attack and tailplane deflection depend very strongly on the flight path angle in the post stall region, and practically do not depend in the below stall region "
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Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

haha so now you go to more lying, now 2. The aircraft has controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail.
means thrust vectoring is dependant upon lift?
hahaha more lies, thrust vectoring now is stalled hahaha by flow separation.

more lies haha wow thrust vectoring stops working due to flow separation on wing and tail wow
Just because you lie, that doesn't mean others do the same thing. Actually, this post of yours serve as an excellent example of your own lies, where you are inventing false statements in a desperate attempt to distort statements made by the author. :rolleyes:

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, it is quite clear that "controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail" is in reference to TVC:
Hence the reason that the post-stall region has only been a fairly recent area of study: T/W ratios needed to increase, C[sub]L[sub]max[/sub][/sub] values needed to increase, and non-aerodynamic controls (such as TV) had to be developed before an aircraft would be capable of controlled flight in this very adverse aerodynamic region.

Thus the author is not referring to the tailplane, which means the thesis does not support your claim that tailplane is effective at high AoA.

In the following video which you have linked to, we can see how deflection of tailplane (or lack therefore) is not providing the pitch moment you claimed to be provided by the tailplane at high AoA:

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, the tailplane has negative deflection to provide the initial pitch rate for the Cobra maneuver, and remains at that position throughout the entire maneuver. Thus, its deflection is irrelevant to the pitch-down moment for recovery, confirming the explanation by this
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that pitch-down moment is only caused by shift of the aerodynamic center:
The recovery from high angles of attack to the classical flight mode in a few seconds only is possible due to moving the center of pressure on main wing the center of pressure on main wing back and creating the strong nose-down aerodynamic pitching moment about the center of gravity.

Your claim is debunked yet again. :rolleyes:

"Angle of Attack and tailplane deflection depend very strongly on the flight path angle in the post stall region, and practically do not depend in the below stall region "

And what does that statement prove? Nothing. :rolleyes:

From that
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, where you have extracted the above quote, it is explicitly stated that tailplane losses effectiveness:
A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

This debunks your claim that deflection of tailplane can be used for providing pitch moment at high AoA. :rolleyes:
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Banned Idiot
Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

This debunks your claim that deflection of tailplane can be used for providing pitch moment at high AoA. :rolleyes:

the authors says

canard deflection (delta_c) influences the angle of attack in the below-stall range, see Fig-10, but does not influence in the post stall range.......
plus this
In this flight regime the ability for conventional control is usually lost.

you shot your self in the foot hahahaha
it is quite clear that "controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail" is in reference to TVC:

wow thrust vectoring rendered ineefective by separated flow on wings? oh! jesus , so now is not the inlet what feeds the engine but the wing and tailplane wow hahahahaha


Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

the authors says

canard deflection (delta_c) influences the angle of attack in the below-stall range, see Fig-10, but does not influence in the post stall range.......

The author of
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says tailplane loses effectiveness at high AoA:
A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

In other words, tailplane cannot be used to provide pitch control at high AoA. Canard on the other hand, is maintained near zero AoA and does not encounter the same problem as tailplane, as explained by
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In piloted supernormal flight of the aircraft of the present invention, the wing of an aircraft, such as a superagile tactical fighter, is either partially or completely stalled, while the longitudinal control surfaces, such as in a rotatable canard arrangement, are deflected to approximately the same magnitude, but of opposite sign, as the angle of attack of the aircraft, so that the canard arrangement remains effective to control the aircraft through large ranges of angles of attack, pitch,and flight path. Such angles may vary from descending flight to deep stall, i.e., to ascending flight in vertical climb, i.e.

Thus, canard can be used for pitch control when the aircraft is at high AoA. This is the same fact pointed out by Dr. Song's paper:
Control surfaces placed in front of the center of mass, like the canards, are negative load control surfaces. Since the main wing's ability to generate lift tends to saturate under high AOA conditions, the positive load control surfaces' pitch down control capabilities tend to saturate under high AOA as well. Therefore it will be wise to employ negative load control surfaces for pitch down control under high AOA conditions. Figure 7 compares the pitch down control capabilities of the canards and horizontal stabilizers. From the high AOA pitch down control stand point, it will be wise to use canards on the future fighter.

Thus, canard is superior to tailplane for control at high AoA, debunking your claim otherwise. :rolleyes:

plus this
In this flight regime the ability for conventional control is usually lost.

you shot your self in the foot hahahaha

Conventional control refers to aerodynamic surfaces such as the tailplane. This is explicitly stated in
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A concentration of characteristic curves C[sub]m[/sub] for the tailplane setting angle φ[sub]t[/sub] being varied at post-critical AoA (i.e. very low sensitivity of pitch moment with respect to the tailplane setting angle) reflects the loss of effectiveness of a horizontal tail at higher AoA.

As you see, there is only mention of loss of effectiveness of the tailplane, but no mention of loss of effectiveness of canard. Furthermore, canard is referred to as "unconventional aerodynamic control mechanisms" as pointed out in Dr. Song paper:
As a result, it is vitally important to study unconventional aerodynamic control mechanisms for high AOA flights.

Thus, canard is not considered as a conventional control in Dr. Song's paper. Neither have I ever claim that canard is a conventional control. Your pathetic little word-game fails. :rolleyes:

wow thrust vectoring rendered ineefective by separated flow on wings? oh! jesus , so now is not the inlet what feeds the engine but the wing and tailplane wow hahahahaha

Wow, what a perfect illustration of your desperate act in distorting the author's statements. :rolleyes:

Let see what the original author statement is from
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What does it say? "Non-aerodynamic controls (such as TV)", thus the author is referring to thrust-vectoring when he says "controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail", excluding the tailplane thus debunking your claim otherwise. Also, where in the paragraph did he claim thrust vector can be rendered ineffective by separated flow on wings? No where; and this illustrates the sort of smearing and lies you use for masking the incorrectness of your own faulty claims. :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 02:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 PM ----------

Now, let's look at the video you have linked to again:

The Cobra maneuver takes place at
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. During this time, the tailplane has negative deflection to provide the initial pitch rate for the Cobra maneuver. However, the surface remains at that position throughout the entire maneuver. This raises two questions:
  • If deflection of tailplane is effective in generating pitch moment, why doesn't the aircraft continue to pitch up?
  • If deflection of tailplane contributes to pitch-down moment as you claimed, why isn't the tailplane positively deflected to provide pitch-down moment?

The answer is simple. Tailplane deflection is irrelevant to the pitch-down moment for recovery, which is the same observation made by
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which says pitch-down moment is only caused by shift of the aerodynamic center:
The recovery from high angles of attack to the classical flight mode in a few seconds only is possible due to moving the center of pressure on main wing the center of pressure on main wing back and creating the strong nose-down aerodynamic pitching moment about the center of gravity.

Thus, your claim that tailplane is an effective control at high AoA is debunked. :rolleyes:
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Banned Idiot
Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

The author As you see, there is only mention of loss of effectiveness of the tailplane, but no mention of loss of effectiveness of canard. Furthermore, canard is referred to as "unconventional aerodynamic control mechanisms" as pointed out in Dr. Song paper:

Thus, canard is not considered as a conventional control in Dr. Song's paper. Neither have I ever claim that canard is a conventional control. Your pathetic little word-game fails. :rolleyes:

Wow, what a perfect illustration of your desperate act in distorting the author's statements. :rolleyes:

What does it say? "Non-aerodynamic controls (such as TV)", thus the author is referring to thrust-vectoring when he says "controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated flow over the wings and tail", excluding the tailplane thus debunking your claim otherwise. Also, where in the paragraph did he claim thrust vector can be rendered ineffective by separated flow on wings? No where; and this illustrates the sort of smearing and lies you use for masking the incorrectness of your own faulty claims. :rolleyes:

a new lie hahahaha and the funny thing is you believe it your self, now thrust vectoring is one of the 3 preconditions hahahaha the author says to start Hook and cobra are post stall manoeuvres none is execute it with Thrust vectoring nozzle which shows your lie can no be real because the author have not said post stall only can be execute with thrust vectoring.

The Cobra is a classic post-stall maneuver that has been demonstrated in the Su-
27 and MiG-29.

And now in your defenition harrier taking off is a post stall manoeuvre hahahaha

Recent developments in post-stall maneuverability and thrust vectoring have
opened up new possibilities in the field of air combat maneuvering. High angle of attack
maneuvers like the Cobra, Herbst Reversal, and Chakra demonstrate that today’s cutting
edge fighters are capable of exploiting the post-stall flight regime for very dynamic and
unconventional maneuvers.

hahahah Cobra does not need TVC nozzles or does Su-27 executes it with TVC nozzles only in your dreams to say TVC nozzles are a pre-conditions and what the authors says is in the US in order to execute the cobra they used TVC nozzles, but cobra can be execute without thrust vectoring so hahahaha

he even says two different things post stall maneuvrability and thrust vectoring so hahaha of course you need to link them togather to say your fallacies and lies claiming post stall requierement is TVC nozzles hahaha

The author even says this

There are two primary application for this technology: the first
is to increase the agility of a conventional fighter aircraft by pairing TV with standard
aerodynamic control surfaces to improve the aircraft’s ability to rapidly change its

what so you pair aerodynamic surfaces i see so the aerodynamic surfaces can be stalled

In short, a pure vectoring fighter (PVF) would have a similar or greater advantage over a
supermaneuverable, TV fighter (STVF) than a SF has (and has demonstrated) over a
conventional fighter (CF). The primary reason for that advantage is very straightforward:
the SF or STVF remains controllable in the post-stall region, and can therefore perform
maneuvers that a CF cannot; hence the combat advantages enumerated in the previous
section. Likewise, while a SF or STVF is controllable in post-stall, a PVF theoretically
would have the same control power in the post-stall region as it does in conventional
flight (since its controls are independent of the external air flow). Therefore, it would be
able to outperform a SF or STVF in post-stall, and consequently would be the most
capable fighter aircraft possible until a breakthrough in engine technology comes along.

hahaha these shows you only say lies because 2. The aircraft has controls that will not be rendered ineffective by separated
flow over the wings and tail. means tailplanes because (since its controls are independent of the external air flow) means TVC nozzles
hahahah read man do not say fallacies that are easy to see are lies
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Re: J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

a new lie hahahaha and the funny thing is you believe it your self, now thrust vectoring is one of the 3 preconditions hahahaha the author says to start Hook and cobra are post stall manoeuvres none is execute it with Thrust vectoring nozzle which shows your lie can no be real because the author have not said post stall only can be execute with thrust vectoring.

Here is another one of your fallacy called
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, where you are substituting other statement with one that you invented. :rolleyes:

No one claimed post-stall can only be entered with thrust vectoring. What have been pointed out is that control in post-stall requires thrust vectoring, as explained in
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Hence the reason that the post-stall region has only been a fairly recent area of study: T/W ratios needed to increase, C[sub]L[sub]max[/sub][/sub] values needed to increase, and non-aerodynamic controls (such as TV) had to be developed before an aircraft would be capable of controlled flight in this very adverse aerodynamic region.

Your empty accusation about others lying actually is a nice demonstration of your own dishonesty, since it is nothing but a
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of your own image onto others. :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ----------

The Cobra is a classic post-stall maneuver that has been demonstrated in the Su-
27 and MiG-29.

And now in your defenition harrier taking off is a post stall manoeuvre hahahaha

Recent developments in post-stall maneuverability and thrust vectoring have opened up new possibilities in the field of air combat maneuvering. High angle of attack maneuvers like the Cobra, Herbst Reversal, and Chakra demonstrate that today’s cutting edge fighters are capable of exploiting the post-stall flight regime for very dynamic and unconventional maneuvers.

hahahah Cobra does not need TVC nozzles or does Su-27 executes it with TVC nozzles only in your dreams to say TVC nozzles are a pre-conditions and what the authors says is in the US in order to execute the cobra they used TVC nozzles, but cobra can be execute without thrust vectoring so hahahaha

he even says two different things post stall maneuvrability and thrust vectoring so hahaha of course you need to link them togather to say your fallacies and lies claiming post stall requierement is TVC nozzles hahaha

Any aircraft can enter a stall, but not every aircraft is controllable in one. Thus, an aircraft performing a post-stall maneuver is not an indication that the aircraft is controllable in a post-stall maneuver. The author of
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is quite explicit in pointing out TVC is needed for the aircraft to be controllable at high AoA:
Hence the reason that the post-stall region has only been a fairly recent area of study: T/W ratios needed to increase, C[sub]L[sub]max[/sub][/sub] values needed to increase, and non-aerodynamic controls (such as TV) had to be developed before an aircraft would be capable of controlled flight in this very adverse aerodynamic region.

The keyword is "controlled flight". An Su-27 isn't in controlled flight at high AoA and is the exact reason why the aircraft has to keep its time in Cobra maneuver as short as possible. If tailplane can be used in control of the aircraft at high AoA as you claimed, then such time constrain wouldn't exist, and the nose could be pointed upward for as long as possible as in the case of aircraft with TVC. Adding to the fact is that the above statement from the author mentions "non-aerodynamic control", explicitly excluding tailplane being used at high AoA, thereby debunking your pseudo-aerodynamic theories with regards to the tail. :rolleyes: