Re: South Korean AEGIS destroyer photos
FuManChu said:
As far as I know, all the relevant work to bring them up to spec was conducted in the US before they were sent over. They have also all been commissioned.
Thanks, I knew two had been commissioned in Dec 2005, and it looks like the other two were officially commissioned in Nov 2006. The first two were supposed to be in service this year, 2007. I thought the second two would be in service next year, but perhaps they have accellerated that schedule. If so...good for the ROCN. They need all four. Each should be able to carry 62 SM-IIs, they have 2 Phalanx CIWS, two 127mm guns, 8 Harpoons, 6 torpedo tubes and two helos. DIsplacement is over 9,000 tons. Very capable ships, particularly oif they included the latest US upgrades for this class radar and electronics.
Still, the KIDDs are not nearly as capable as the Korean KDX-IIIs we are talking about on this thread. I am VERY impressed with the KDX-III. I believe they will be the most powerful surface warships afloat. But just the same, the KIDDs do represent a strong respons to the Sovs of the PLAN.
FuManChu said:
As to the IN, I remember now their destroyers don't have VLS yet. That said the lead ship of the Kolkata-class was laid down last year and will have VLS - not sure about the other details. Maybe you should take a look.
I have...and do not see any Indian escort vessel that contains all three, or will contain all three that is being buiilt at the current time. The first Kolkata Class destroyer was started in March 2006, to be launched in 2008, but will use Top Plate I believe and RAWL.
When the Indians do develop an AEGIS-like vessel, using VLS, PARS, and a wholly integrated digital ballte management system capable of cooperative engagement, I will add them to the list. I think the Kolkata has the VLS covered and part of the battle management system, but not all of it, and no PARS from what I understand.