The F100 is a fine ship and if it is selected for the RAN (I deliberately didn't say "by the RAN") will be vastly more capable than the modified OHPs that they will replace. Unfortunately it appears that they only just meet the baseline capabilities sought by the navy and that is a pity. The F100 certainly lacks the growth potential of the "Evolved Burke". I can't help but look at the new South Korean destroyer with considerable envy.
Heck Tasman, we in the US have Burkes (28), Burke Flight IIAs (24), and Ticonderoga cruisers (22) and
I look at the Sejong with envy!
Those are very, very nice ships.
I am developing a recommendation to send in to some of my U.S. Naval Institute and other friends for a recommended desing for a Ticonderoga replacement to start building in six or seven years so the first is ready ten years from now. I will post it on this thread when I am complete.
IDONT said:
There is an unconfirmed ... a single PAAMS ship is superior to a single Aegis ship in terms of air defence. However, Aegis ships are superior in a group due to US datalinks than the PAAMS. The rumor ... states that since RAN will procure a limited number of ships, PAAMS is the best way forward.
I know a lot of Europeans and some others feel this way. But having done a fairly in depth analysis myself, I just do not see that it is so.
AEGIS has a lot of real life experience behind it and it is being constantly updated to the latest technology avaialable based on that experience. Five major nations have now chosen AEGIS for their solutions and a total of 88 AEGIS vessles have been built to date, with 10 or more still under construction.
Three nations have chosen PAAMS and a total of six vessels have been built to date with a ten more to be built. I only say this to point out that the combined weight of all of those AEGIS ships speaks not just to their effectiveness as a group, but to the shear amount of research and development...and experience that is behind them.
AEGIS vessels carry more cells for a much wider range of applications, and for air defence, the SM-2 Block IV and the SM-3 out range and out perform the Aster-30 in many critical areas. The SM-6 will continue this trend.
Do not get me wrong, the PAAM vessels are very good and capable vessels, particularly at air defense. They are an absolutely fine addition to the nations that are building them and a great compliment to their allies. I personally however would not rate PAAMS as
better than AEGIS.
Are they the equal in pure electronics? Perhaps they are...time will tell as both systems continue to evolve. But one on one, in overall effectiveness, I would still rate AEGIS as the more effective system.