Re: Proposal for a US Navy Ticnoderoga AEGIS CG replacement
Building twelve or more of them over a eight to ten year period would ensure that they remain that way until the full CGX technology is available and affordable thereafter.
Thanks. In a nutshell, that is the whole rational of this "bridge" proposal. Even with only a partial list of technology envisioned for the CGX, and that list is what is realizable in the near term, and with the weapons fit, these vessels would easily be the most powerful surface combatant and escort warships on earth.As for the next cruiser, an enlarge Burke derivative, something bigger than the Korean KDX III, with flag facilities is a "cheaper" compromise until the CGX/DDX comes online.
Building twelve or more of them over a eight to ten year period would ensure that they remain that way until the full CGX technology is available and affordable thereafter.