A request from Popeye!

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The Troll Hunter
Staff member

Let us give this issue some time to cool off. Popeye and AFB are friends of SDF from the very start. I appreciate their contribution to the forum and their support in making the forum a better place for EVERYONE. I wish them both well and they will always be welcomed back should they choose to do so.


Lieutenant General
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Let us give this issue some time to cool off. Popeye and AFB are friends of SDF from the very start. I appreciate their contribution to the forum and their support in making the forum a better place for EVERYONE. I wish them both well and they will always be welcomed back should they choose to do so.

I must admit, I’m still speechless and needed some time to consider how to reply.

First of all I deeply regret this – and as it seems Brat's too – but I must add, that it is not the fact alone but also the way it occurred … and this makes me even more sad and in fact even a bit angry.

In short, reason for these very mixed feeling is that even if I noticed some tensed issue it would never have been a reason to leave, to leave without any further discussion and consultation between us other moderators in order to “moderate” and find a solution. There was no prior discussion, nothing was tried to overcome this issue and that’s what makes me sad and angry at the same time.
We all have quite different point of views, we even maybe have quite different standards to rate something an offence or insult, to warn and even ban in the end, and that alone might be acceptable or even manageable but why was this never discussed in our group of moderators, why was there not even a small attempt to solve this issue or mediate in order to find a solution for what’s best for this forum?

I think we are all mature – in my case even old and grey – men and we all should be able to accept different meanings, we should all me able to face this and try to find a practical solution.

Therefore as much as I regret this decision, which I surely will accept … the more I feel sad that it was not a well-thought decision as a last resort after everything has been tried.

Best and take care.
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