It is a bit of generalisation, but the chances that a person with a particular link to a particular country tends to be more sympathetic to that country's cause.
China is strangly unique in that, it had two factions claiming to be China, and when I was growing up in Hong Kong. If you are in one camp, no matter what the other side did, you oppose it just for the sake of it even it was good!
So some Chinese abroad will opposed to whatever happens in PRC China, simply because it is PRC China. I supposed you family and friends falls in that camp.
With regards to importance of birth and cultral links. Why do you think that in order to be POTUS, you have to be born in USA!?
He definitely fall in the naysayers category. I noticed this dude few years back and he is more on the negative and critical of China camp. Plus the mocking of 厉害我的国stuff, I seen many anti China trolls use that.
Not even sure what kind of people join political forums though so that's another question but off topic.