Jura The idiot
there's a thing I wanted to know but was afraid to ask LOL which is if the guy who's coming back has to join the Party? (or at least apply for a membership or something)sry i'm bit suspicious about your claim giving up 6 figure USD salary director job for 20k yuan in beijing, right after our previous conversation. People who give up like what you describe, are rare. Also are you in undergrad or grad school, company in US dont just hire someone fresh out of school to be a director. The director require years if not decades of experience in the field. anyway, how about we continue this after you go back to beijing like you claimed, cause right now its obvious you are in US. i have seen too many talk the talk not the walk the walk. there are only 65k H1B for all foreigner, chinese student alone are 400k in US, not including others from india etc and other non-students foreigner. the H1B vacancy filled up in 48hrs. those dont find job here, have to leave within certain period of time.
as far as foreigner vs sea turtle talent. intel/amd/ti/ etc etc certainly willing to hire chinese/indian/others base on their skills, not nationality. It only become an issue if the area of study is sensitive. China hire tons former soviet engineer/scientist, some are in sensitive area. it doesn't seem an issue to them.
also i already said if they move to china is because they found better opportunity or has significant other or some other reason, i never say they move their for peanuts, get your fact straight.
the likelihood of ethnic chinese vs foreigner is case by case base, you can't just say which one is more trustworthy base on where they born. there are many factors, where they currently live, their citizenship, their family location etc etc. If both case are identical, then yes the native born has the advantage, but not before some background check to establish that facts. every organization has its own process to establish the trustiness of particular individual, been born in the native country is a small part of overall. for most commercial company its not a big deal where they from.
anyway I would've thought to become a member should've been the only way how to get anywhere with a career, no?