Go research on how the US assasinated other nations' leaders and installing a pro American regime in its place. Go read on how the US brewed Al Qaeda because it helped Saddam Hussein. Go read on CIA's actions in Tibet, go read on the US invasion of Grenada. US supported coups in Venezuela and Kyrgystan.
Here's a more complete list, as of 1945-today
Late 30's until now, US aids KMT in Chinese Civil War by weapons and advisors.
1947-1949 Greece: US forces wage a 3-year counterinsurgency campaign.
1948 Italy: Heavy CIA involvement in national elections.
1948-1954 Philippines: Commando operations, "secret" CIA war.
Korean war, we all know the dates.
1953 Iran: CIA overthrows government of Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh.
Vietnam, we all know the story there.
1954 Guatemala: CIA overthrows the government of President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman.
1958 Lebanon, we all know the story here.
1959 Haiti: Marines land.
1960 Congo: CIA-backed overthrow and assassination of Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba.
1962 Cuba: (the point is not the Soviets, the point is the US placed nuclear missiles in Turkey, right in the USSR's backyard, as well.)
1962 Laos: CIA-backed military coup.
1963 Ecuador: CIA backs military overthrow of President Jose Maria Valesco Ibarra.
1964 Brazil: CIA-backed military coup overthrows the government of Joao Goulart and Gen. Castello Branco takes power.
1965 Indonesia: CIA-backed army coup overthrows President Sukarno and brings Gen. Suharto to power. (Suharto, who allowed the riots to happen and in the process thousands of ethnic Chinese died.)
1965 Congo: CIA backed military coup overthrows President Joseph Kasavubu and brings Joseph Mobutu to power.
1965 Dominican Republic: 23,000 troops land.
Bombing campaign of Laos, we all know the story here.
1966 Ghana CIA-backed military coup ousts President Kwame Nkrumah.
1966-1967 Guatemala: Extensive counter-insurgency operation.
1969-1975 Cambodia: CIA supports military coup against Prince Sihanouk, bringing Lon Nol to power. Intensive bombing for seven years along border with Vietnam.
1970 Oman: Counter-insurgency operation, including coordination with Iranian marine invasion.
1981-1992 El Salvador: CIA and special forces begin a long counterinsurgency campaign.
1983 Grenada: Military forces invade Grenada.
1986 Libya: US aircraft bomb the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, including direct strikes at the official residence of President Muamar al Qadaffi.
1987-1988 Iran: Naval forces block Iranian shipping. Civilian airliner shot down by missile cruiser.
1989-1990 Panama: 27,000 troops as well as naval and air power used to overthrow government of President Noriega.
First Gulf War
1991 Haiti: CIA-backed military coup ousts President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Somalia, we know the story there.
1993-1995 Bosnia: Active military involvement with air and ground forces.
1994-1996 Haiti: Troops depose military rulers and restore President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to office.
1998 Afghanistan: Attack on targets in the country.
1999 Yugoslavia: Major involvement in NATO air strikes.
Iraq, Afghanistan
2004 Haiti Marines land. CIA-backed forces overthrow President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
US had 700+ bases in 130 countries as of 2005.
Need I say more?
Wikipedia also has a lot of information on these things.
The list goes on and on. You should do some research before you say anything.