774 lost at sea -breaking news


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Uh, where does it say that on the empty article? And is that 3:00 or 15:00? If it's 3 in the morning, that's OK. Southern China has been wrecked by storm after storm, even though I am not so sure how far out it'd go into the sea. Also, I think Hong Kong is having a typhoon in the region, maybe that caused the whole situation?

-774, at 65m and 500 tonnes, can't really be anywhere near the size of a corvette, but that's not the point here.

Hope those soldiers get a peaceful one.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
sumdud said:
Uh, where does it say that on the empty article? And is that 3:00 or 15:00? If it's 3 in the morning, that's OK. Southern China has been wrecked by storm after storm, even though I am not so sure how far out it'd go into the sea. Also, I think Hong Kong is having a typhoon in the region, maybe that caused the whole situation?

-774, at 65m and 500 tonnes, can't really be anywhere near the size of a corvette, but that's not the point here.

Hope those soldiers get a peaceful one.

here's the article...
from CDF
港船珠江口撞中国军舰 13解放军士兵失踪 2006/06/26 15:53:25



海事处发言人证实,本月22日凌晨3时太古集团辖下“China Navigation”公司一艘货轮,在珠江口桂山岛附近与一艘中国巡逻艇相撞。中国海事当局已召见该公司了解事件。海事处与中国当局保持联络,但目前未有详情。


这已是解放军军舰近年在珠江口航道的第二宗被撞事件。澳门国际军事学会会长黄东表示,由于774号舰艇和驻港部队 770-773号舰艇属于同一类型,驻港部队士兵也可能会在774号轮流值班,若遇事舰艇证实是774号,不排除有驻港部队人员在事件中遇难或失踪。


Junior Member
I didn't see the bit where it said 13 were missing...That raises it up alot higher, obviously. I apologize, I should have taken a bit more time to read it properly.


New Member
VIP Professional
Hmmm......This reminds me of the collision of between RSS courageous and a cargo ship which results in the death of 4 navy female personnels. It was raining and high sea state at night then and the 4 died as they were off duty resting in the crew cabin. To make the matter worst, the incident happen during the height of a tension between Malaysia and Singapore over the island of Pendra Branca.