As I have maintained and began to believe, there's no difference at all between Trump and Harris when it comes to their foreign policy outlook. The difference simply boils down to presentation, marketing, and execution. The one thing I can't stand from these bozo liberals are their sheer hypocrisy and pretentiousness of acting holier than thou as they have become the morality police that they used to deride the cuntservative right wing nut jobs for their stances on various social issues.
Nowadays, the damn libs have gone koo koo by trying to promote trans rights as human rights, trans women as real women and other ideologically driven narrative causing to alienate their traditional democratic voting allies such as the still largely conservative Christian Latino voters, the Islamic voters, the traditionalist voters that are seeing changes that's anathema to the core concept of traditional family.
The Democratic party treats their voters as idiots and suckers by pointing out the supposed immorality of Donald Trump and his racism and criminality, but such accusations don't have the strong traction they assumed it's going to have when most of their celebrity endorsements or endorsers are doing or have done those nasty ssshh as well. Not to mention that Joe Biden's criminal son has gotten a lot of flack not from the traditional media but from the tireless efforts from the other side pointing out the abhorrent actions and illegal crimes he's eventually found to have committed and convicted. Despite that, the current President said publicly that he's proud of his son's actions?
The political mooring or bearing of both political parties in the U.S. have totally decayed and are destroyed. It's no wonder more and more people in the U.S. are slowly losing their basic sense of morality and decency. They are literally becoming the living embodiment of the trash reality shows that's ubiquitous in all of their media landscape; from the Kardashians, the real housewives etc..just to name a few.
Those tv shows typify unethical, unruly, disrespectful, entitled, abhorrent, crass, obnoxious, selfish traits that's also embodied by their own politicians, business leaders, business practices which is not a surprise as to why their political and elective process have become to what it has become: a toxic wasteland.
None of their leaders want to be honest with their people nor are the people themselves want to be told the truth, let alone wants to hear the truth about their country. Hence, regardless of whoever wins they'll all end up going to the direction they're heading to anyway.