2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


Just give up, politicizing the Winter Olympics is not going to work in the first place especially most sponsors wouldn't walk away from the Chinese market. China is an economic superpower that a mere boycott is no longer feasible.
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I actually enjoyed reading it as there were some background I didn't know. a couple of small things not fair to say and some sensationalism. But overall fine.

to me, the stories of Gu and Huang (the Taiwanese girl that wore a PRC uniform) are truly uniting opportunities for across the pacific and across the strait. But instead they end up reflecting how deeply the made up image of big bad China has been embedded in people's mind.

I agree the NYT story is relatively better than other similar articles from ESPN, The Economist etc., which are bitter, salty, and sour. It's also better than other NYT reports on China lately, surprising.

I feel that Eileen Gu story could have been a very good, inspiring story that unites the US and China. Eileen perfectly represents a sort of marriage between China and the US, and a great product of such marriage. Indeed, she owes her success to her raw talent, her US upbrings and her Chinese heritage (the roles of her mother and grandma). Both countries could easily identify her as their own without much difficulties. Just like what the ESPN article said at the end: she would not have become what she is today without the US training and environment, but she would also have not become the celebrity that she is today without China. She can further leverage her influence and likely success in the Beijing Winter Olympic to inspire a generation of Chinese young people and help promote the winter sports that China really needs to develop, the kind of impact that she could not dream of in the US. In the process, she could become a friendship and goodwill ambassador between the US and China that no other person could possibly be.

That is, if that's even in the interest of the US.


Registered Member
I agree the NYT story is relatively better than other similar articles from ESPN, The Economist etc., which are bitter, salty, and sour. It's also better than other NYT reports on China lately, surprising.

I feel that Eileen Gu story could have been a very good, inspiring story that unites the US and China. Eileen perfectly represents a sort of marriage between China and the US, and a great product of such marriage. Indeed, she owes her success to her raw talent, her US upbrings and her Chinese heritage (the roles of her mother and grandma). Both countries could easily identify her as their own without much difficulties. Just like what the ESPN article said at the end: she would not have become what she is today without the US training and environment, but she would also have not become the celebrity that she is today without China. She can further leverage her influence and likely success in the Beijing Winter Olympic to inspire a generation of Chinese young people and help promote the winter sports that China really needs to develop, the kind of impact that she could not dream of in the US. In the process, she could become a friendship and goodwill ambassador between the US and China that no other person could possibly be.

That is, if that's even in the interest of the US.
Its not...

The whole "win win" thing is really for smaller nations to jump on the BRI bandwagon. In the post-peak energy diminishing EROEI world of climate change, population overshoot and resource depletion it is in the grand scheme of things at the biggest picture geopolitical and macroeconomic level not only a "Zero Sum game" but a "Negative Sum game" of ever shrinking pies!

Win-Win is China's way of saying to the rest of the world that China can offer them a better deal than the imperialistic US hegemony

But make no mistake at the end of it all there can only be one "winner", there is no "win win" at the highest level between East and West, China and USA. Of course its possible to have "lose lose" (worst case a literal Scorched earth in nuclear wwiii) but the stakes are highest its ever been, entire US hegemony and indeed their way of life is at stake, so to expect to have some sort of 'friendly' relation is very naïve at least.

Just go read some of the comments on Breitbart News about Gu, some of them are already calling for a "Final Solution" for all Chinese and even mixed.