And 9M100 in Redut has a range of some 15km.
And 9M96E cannot be quad packed in Redut.
So, if you are comparing FM-3000N in the depicted VLS, when considering the primary characteristics of interest (quad packable and range), the FM-3000N is most accurately compared to ESSM and Mk-41 currently, or to 9M96E if it is ever adopted in a quad packable manner in UKSK.
Also I'm comparing in terms of dimensions and aerodynamic design, the FM3000 and the 9M96 are similar although FM3000 is not likely a copy. More like similar mission creates a similar design. Having fore fins, or canards in the front, allow for great maneuverability.
I would think the FM3000N has plenty of extra growth that like the 9M96E to 9M96E2, you can extend the missile length to increase the range. This can let the missile extend itself to 120km like the 9M96E2, which is also the range of the Aster 30.
As for this being an 'export' missile, this is CASIC working on this, which is the main state owned organization that supplies missiles to the Chinese Navy. This is unlike the SD-50/DK-10 missile which is Norinco, which people once thought would be a prime candidate for a quad pack missile for the U-VLS (HT-1?). Norinco is for land based weapons.
I am more likely to think this is the "death ground" of development. Either this missile passes or fails, and if this missile does not pass, they will keep on working on this until it does.