I think when you really look deeper, whoever come to power won't really matter, because both party will still work for whoever got them elected, aka their biggest campaign donor, aka the corporations.
It seems the difference between the two is strikingly similar to the so call "cake dispute" between Bo Xilai and Wang yang. Obama if reelected, will play populist card by distributing the wealth from the rich to poor, so he maybe more harsher on the corporation, but I doubt he will really touch their bottom line, but Obama won't really truly expand the economy.
If Romney get elected, he will no redistribute the wealth, instead he will try to grow the US economy to make everyone more richer, but the dominance of business and Wall Street will continue to be consolidated, so will the gap between rich and poor.
Basically Obama aka Bo Xilai wants to redistribute the cake, Romney aka Wang Yang wants to grow the cake.
The strategy of Obama to get elected seems that he want to pour as much dirt on Romney as possible, and point out just how Romney is so different from people like you, and if you elect him, you will get poorer and the rich is going to get richer. Basically he plays on people's fear, he don't offer any clear alternative for solution, nor he have one, but he just want to scare the bejesus out of people.
Strategy of Romney is that he will point out just what a bad job Obama have done during the past 4 years, and he have the experience the expertise to solve the nation's problem. In a normal world, Romney would easily won, all he have to do is to point out how bad a job Obama is doing, but from all the mistake he is making combined with Obama's attack, make everything uncertain.
I personally see no real difference between the two, but if were to forced to choose between the lesser of two evil, I pick Romney, simply because of his past, he was part of Bane which brought distressed business and reorganize them to make it better, he also took over Olympic and governorship, all of them were facing problem at the time, but he was able to identify the problem and find the right solution to solve them. Just from this skill alone makes him invaluable, I don't know if he can correctly diagnoses America's problem and have the political smart/courage to solve them, but at least he have shown in the past he does have this ability.
Romney is as closet to the member of the CCP politburo as it gets, and this is a compliment.
Obama on the other hand, he have all the right ideas, but he have no ability to see the real issue and solve the real problem, his argument is that he was handed a bad economy so he is not his fault, this claim is true on surface, he was handled a bad situation, but there were a lot of things he would have done to make it better, but he didn't do it, this alone makes him unqualified to be president anymore.
To compare, George Bush is someone I think who have no brain, no imagination, have a lot of courage, no ability. Obama is someone with half a brain, too much imagination and no ability and no courage. I think Romney is someone with a lot of brain, some imagination, unknown courage and a lot of ability.
In the end no matter who get elected, there are 2 long term problem with US will continue to exist,
1. too much business influence in politics (Obama might try to fought this, but not a chance will succeed for long term)
2. Extreme increase in government budget, extreme wastage in government department (Romney have good chance of fix this, Obama won't even touch it)
What we need for president at this moment in US politics Theodore Roosevelt. He presided a nation which business class had much influence over the nation and the Unions were just as violent. But he was not just someone who was strong on business with anti-trust measures, he was also equally harsh on the striking Unions workers, he is famous for his "square deals" which he does not favor anyone side, he was tough on both side of dispute to really find the problem and solve regardless of outside influences.
Right now, there is no such person in US politics as far as I can see.