Thanks Jeff for the great insight you provide on the PLAN Growth and developments, I just want your views on what the new destroyers from the PLAN might look like.
Thanks in advance,
Well, since we are not surwe what experience the PLAn is having with their current 052B and 052C destroyers, which are clearly the most advanced indigenous DDG designs they how effective is the PARS on the 052C, and how effective is the battle management's hard to predict.
I can tell you what I think is necessary in a top of the line, very modern and powerful multi-role DDG.
I believe the 052C could be modified to fulfill both the strong air defense role asd well as the AsuW and ASW roles. To do that, the 052D would need the following:
1. More VLS missile cells. 96 would be nice, including VLS ASuW missiles.
2. Alleviate the cannister launched ASuW missiles in favor of #1.
3. A larger helo hanger to accomodate 2 ASW helos simultaneously.
4. A better sonar suite, including a more powerful dome and TAS.
5. Development of a close in anti-missile, missile to compliment the gatling CIWS.
In order to do all of this, the vcessel is probably going to be close to 9,000t or a little more, and involve some new development for the PLAN.
Anyhow, those are my thoughts.