071 LPD thread

Yellow Submarine

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Given the PRC's regional and global ambitions, the need to protect its SLOC's and overseas interests and plans to expand the PLAMC from 12,000 to 100,000 troops, I seriously doubt they will stop with six LPD. They will need a lot more amphibious lift to support their expanded Marine Corps, particularly for out-of-area ops and major contingencies. TUFT only takes you so far. I expect the Type 071 will be followed by a new LPD class, probably designated Type 071A, with 6-12 ships.


China should also consider a hospital variant of 071 to serve as good will ships around the world in peacetime.


They already have Type 920 hospital ship 866 which has been sailing on these missions for 10 years

Yeah I see that PLAN already has some ships for these roles. My thought was that it would be cool to have a standardised modern design large and stable enough to accommodate all the medical facilities required, plus robust transport options (helos and landing craft), while being small and cheap enough to build and operate that they could actually be regularly deployed, which seems to be the problem with the America's Mercy/Comfort ships -- they are too big. Type 071 seems a good basis for such a vessel.


Magazine scans of a recent amphibious assault exercise involving the Marines and 071 LPD.




