In this day and age, only if you are assaulting a technologically backward enemy that you have already mostly pounded into dust, then maybe you could achieve a surprise beach landing somewhere along their coastline. Against Taiwan the PLAN will not be able to achieve any real surprise in any kind of beach assault. Even if all of Taiwan's recon planes are knocked out of the sky and the PLAAF has air superiority or even air supremacy, Taiwanese, US, and Japanese (and probably other nations') satellites will be constantly feeding information to the Taiwanese military about PLAN force deployments. The point of a ship like the 071 and the future 075/LHD and a task force that includes these ships against a modern enemy like Taiwan is not "surprise", it is beach accessibility. Hovercraft and helicopters dramatically increase the number and types of beaches that a 071 could assault that conventional ships like LSDs simply could not reach, forcing Taiwanese military planners to prepare defenses for many more locations than they would otherwise have to.2 things
First If you are going to assault a beech then you need the element of surprise, even if it is lightly defended
To have surpirse you need speed
Regardless, when the 071 and its task force leaves harbor for Taiwan and takes the ~4 hour trip to the western coastline, the Taiwanese military will be tracking it. At worst, by the moment of attack the Taiwanese can narrow down the possibilities of target beaches to a few locations at most. Assuming the task force is launching an OTH attack, they will be sitting something like 40-50km out from shore to stay under the radar horizon of shore-based targeting radars. Amphibious IFVs, light tanks, and artillery launched from this far out will take ~2 hours to get to shore, hovercraft less than 1 hour, and helos less than 15 minutes. These would obviously all be timed to arrive at the same time. By the moment that IFVs start heading towards the shore, the Taiwanese military will know exactly which beach the task force has targeted and will have about 2 hours to finalize their defensive positions, as they will already have guessed beforehand based on the task force's position at least roughly where they will be attacked.

This knife cuts both ways. Assaulting multiple beaches just means that you will also have to split your forces along multiple fronts. The key to the success of a beach assault is to not only overwhelm the beach defenses but also to build up follow-on forces at that location faster than the defender can and you may not be able to achieve this if you have to reinforce multiple beaches. In the case of Taiwan it's a matter of moving vehicles, tanks and troops on highways and roads vs the PLAN having to make multiple round trips using mostly slow ships. The PLA and PLAN would IMO benefit most from a massive assault in one or two locations at most and throw everything they've got at these locations. The LHD/LPD force would almost certainly not be split into multiple assault fronts given the limited forces these ships could carry in the first place but would likely assault a secondary attack site rather than the main beach assault location that conventional ships like the LSD could beach on and where the PLAN would land the bulk of its forces.Second The other thing you will need is out flanking manoeuvres to get the action on multiple fronts to split the enemy defences
First one is achieved by LCAC the second objective is using a medium to heavy helo which is fast
You cannot half do this job otherwise there is too many moving parts and the invasion force will suffer
I think an ARG is definitely in the works, or more probably 3 ARGs each consisting of maybe one 075 and two 071s. I also think that an ARG equipped to attack Taiwan will be loaded full of ACVs like the 726. My point isn't that the 726 wouldn't be used, but that its overall effectiveness and contribution to the initial stages of an assault would be limited because of its limited floor space, and that the bulk of the strength of a sea-based assault from a 071 or a 075 will be swimming IFVs and Z-8/18s.China has built LPD, they have installed 4 x LCAC capacity they also have Type 726 a reasonable design so all indications are they are planning on building a ARG
Otherwise they could have split the LCAC to only 2 units like USN
So this tells me speed and lift is the core here, the helo deck is large the hanger is large can lift 4 x Z8 again this tells me over the horizon, speed and lift
But then to build and not carry the features is VERY confusing no amount of varying strategy can explain this nor can funding and priority listings