You specifically said that I thought it was "impractical", by which you meant "not feasible". This isn't rocket science, and I'm simply responding to you accusing me of something which I never said. And there is absolutely no need to achieve a "Pyrrhic" victory in this case. Problem?
Impractical and unfeasible are two completely different words with different meanings. There are some potential similaroities, but they are not synonyms.
If someone says it is impractical to travel to China, it does not mean it is impossible and not at all feasible. It simply measn that some practicality is standing in the way at the current time.
If someone said it is unfeasible to travel to China, it measn that they can't do it, that there is no feasible way to do it. It also does not imply that it will never be feasible or possible, unless specifically stated.
So, instead of presuming that he meant unfeasible, when speaking of impractical, ask him why he feels that way about it and you may find that the reason has nothing to do with feasibility.
Anyhow...IMHO, the back and forth is getting pretty circular.
I personally feel that the 056 could have a TAS and it could be capable of rearm and refuel an ASW helo. But I am not sure by any means. We just don't know enough to say for certain at this point.
There could be more batches coming with different emphasis. I personally doubt that...but again, I do not kow it for sure. We simply do not have enough info to say one way or the other for certain based on what I have read and seen regarding this vessel...though their are certainly rumors.
Within the next few months as these first two vessels enter their trials and we find our more about them through official releases, pictures, and talk that occurs as a result of their further use...we'll be able to answer them one way or the other. Beyond that, I do not believe any of the items or issues I just mentioned can be definitively or positively resolved either way at the current time.
But that's just my opinion.