056 class FFL/corvette

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No, you said I believed that putting a TAS on the 056 was somehow impractical, as in not feasible.

Where did I specifically say "not feasible"? Oh you mean you assumed I said it. You know what they say about assuming. Let me guess, you're gonna rebuttal this one too for your Pyrrhic victory of having the last word right? Enjoy, my future replies on this thread will go back to the topic, not some silly need to feel out debating over pointless issues. :p


Banned Idiot
Where did I specifically say "not feasible"? Oh you mean you assumed I said it. You know what they say about assuming. Let me guess, you're gonna rebuttal this one too for your Pyrrhic victory of having the last word right? Enjoy, my future replies on this thread will go back to the topic, not some silly need to feel out debating over pointless issues. :p
You specifically said that I thought it was "impractical", by which you meant "not feasible". This isn't rocket science, and I'm simply responding to you accusing me of something which I never said. And there is absolutely no need to achieve a "Pyrrhic" victory in this case. Problem? :)
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Junior Member
The two torpedo openings to the landing pad do have curtain doors, but the passage way between the wall and the launchers is not wide enough to cart around torpedoes to rearm ASW helicopters. Having said that, I firmly believe the ship's design has the potential to be upgraded with a fixed hangar, I wouldn't be surprised if it was designed specifically to have two variants, and we are just seeing the basic model, kinda like the Sigma 9113.


Banned Idiot
The two torpedo openings to the landing pad do have curtain doors, but the passage way between the wall and the launchers is not wide enough to cart around torpedoes to rearm ASW helicopters. Having said that, I firmly believe the ship's design has the potential to be upgraded with a fixed hangar, I wouldn't be surprised if it was designed specifically to have two variants, and we are just seeing the basic model, kinda like the Sigma 9113.
I find it fascinating that you would disagree so vehemently with me when I said the 052C could be retooled to have a second hangar but yet feel so confident that this little ship of 1/6th or 1/7th the size of the 052C could be retooled to have even one hangar. Perhaps you can reconcile this inconsistency for me.


As much as this is deducing into a pissing match and before the fat pilot have to step in to sort things out, let's get back to REAL topic...

Now here's a news article from China:
中广网北京6月29日消息(吕锡成 李华敏 通讯员余岱)1997年7月1日零时,中国人民解放军驻香港部队陆海空三军官兵在滂沱大雨中,进驻香港,开始履行防务、行使主权。15年来,一茬茬驻港部队官兵置身于特殊的驻防环境,特别讲政治、高度重使命、严格守法纪、开拓创一流。岁月悠悠,整整15年时间过去了,驻港部队的训练、工作和生活方面发生了怎样的变化?他们的武器装备和战斗力建设又取得了什么样的进展?接下来请听记者吕锡成、李华敏、通讯员余岱民采制的录音报道:《喜看驻港部队新变化》。

Now let me direct you to this part at the end of that article:

In English and summary: according to the CO of the garrison's naval flotilla, there has been major upgrading efforts since 2008; two 056 corvettes are to be induced into service beginning this year; and the current goal is that by the end of the "12th 5-year plan" (ie. 2015) the entire flotilla will be replaced with new vesselss. That said, by that time:

1. the tonnage of the flotilla's combatants will be will be more than doubled (the wording should be referred to individual vessel's, not total tonnage of the flotilla);
2. strike range will be 5-times more then current equipped;
3. ASW capability via anti-sub torpedo will be introduce on the next batch of 056 corvette - unless my Chinese is that bad, that sentence means the 056 corvettes will be introduced in 2 batches, with the batch after this one sport ASW mission packages?

Of course, those improvements are referring to the 056 corvette, so those 3 points should give us some idea in its capabilities. Plus, that also indicate the 037-II missile boats are slated to be phased out of the garrison flotilla by the end of 2015.
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So what will this ship going to replace? And will it be build as fast as Type-022s.

Based on the articles posted and general consensus in discussions here, the 037s are going to be replaced by the 056. Don't think it will be as fast as the 022s though. However, the capability and tonnage of the 056 is closer to the 053Hs.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
You specifically said that I thought it was "impractical", by which you meant "not feasible". This isn't rocket science, and I'm simply responding to you accusing me of something which I never said. And there is absolutely no need to achieve a "Pyrrhic" victory in this case. Problem? :)
Impractical and unfeasible are two completely different words with different meanings. There are some potential similaroities, but they are not synonyms.

If someone says it is impractical to travel to China, it does not mean it is impossible and not at all feasible. It simply measn that some practicality is standing in the way at the current time.

If someone said it is unfeasible to travel to China, it measn that they can't do it, that there is no feasible way to do it. It also does not imply that it will never be feasible or possible, unless specifically stated.

So, instead of presuming that he meant unfeasible, when speaking of impractical, ask him why he feels that way about it and you may find that the reason has nothing to do with feasibility.

Anyhow...IMHO, the back and forth is getting pretty circular.

I personally feel that the 056 could have a TAS and it could be capable of rearm and refuel an ASW helo. But I am not sure by any means. We just don't know enough to say for certain at this point.

There could be more batches coming with different emphasis. I personally doubt that...but again, I do not kow it for sure. We simply do not have enough info to say one way or the other for certain based on what I have read and seen regarding this vessel...though their are certainly rumors.

Within the next few months as these first two vessels enter their trials and we find our more about them through official releases, pictures, and talk that occurs as a result of their further use...we'll be able to answer them one way or the other. Beyond that, I do not believe any of the items or issues I just mentioned can be definitively or positively resolved either way at the current time.

But that's just my opinion.


Banned Idiot
Impractical and unfeasible are two completely different words with different meanings. There are some potential similaroities, but they are not synonyms.

If someone says it is impractical to travel to China, it does not mean it is impossible and not at all feasible. It simply measn that some practicality is standing in the way at the current time.

If someone said it is unfeasible to travel to China, it measn that they can't do it, that there is no feasible way to do it. It also does not imply that it will never be feasible or possible, unless specifically stated.

So, instead of presuming that he meant unfeasible, when speaking of impractical, ask him why he feels that way about it and you may find that the reason has nothing to do with feasibility.
You clearly did not read his post nor mine clearly. When HE said "impractical" he meant "not feasible" because he started describing physical dimensions. How hard is that to understand, seriously?

Anyhow...IMHO, the back and forth is getting pretty circular.
And yet you had to get your word in on the circularity, so what's the point?

I personally feel that the 056 could have a TAS and it could be capable of rearm and refuel an ASW helo. But I am not sure by any means. We just don't know enough to say for certain at this point.

There could be more batches coming with different emphasis. I personally doubt that...but again, I do not kow it for sure. We simply do not have enough info to say one way or the other for certain based on what I have read and seen regarding this vessel...though their are certainly rumors.

Within the next few months as these first two vessels enter their trials and we find our more about them through official releases, pictures, and talk that occurs as a result of their further use...we'll be able to answer them one way or the other. Beyond that, I do not believe any of the items or issues I just mentioned can be definitively or positively resolved either way at the current time.

But that's just my opinion.
I think the lack of TAS is pretty definitive at this point unless you choose to willfully ignore the obvious. The likelihood of torp launchers on THIS current batch is also very high unless you want to speculate that those triangular looking shapes sitting right next to the torpedo ports are something other than torpedoes. In other words, no UAV's. Also no rearming unless you unload torpedoes from the triple tubes themselves.


Junior Member
I find it fascinating that you would disagree so vehemently with me when I said the 052C could be retooled to have a second hangar but yet feel so confident that this little ship of 1/6th or 1/7th the size of the 052C could be retooled to have even one hangar. Perhaps you can reconcile this inconsistency for me.

Easy, because our discussion about 052C was about whether they can engineer a second hangar from the current hull, in this case I think an A variant 056 will certainly have larger displacement (longer hull) so equipment can be rearranged.
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