I doubt it. It's probably just the sonar portion of the bow below that we see.
I think you're right.
I doubt it. It's probably just the sonar portion of the bow below that we see.
WOW!! They are pumping them out fast. That new one is already hull number 5 or number 6 and the first one hasn't even finished the fitting stage yet, never mind sea trials. Although this is a new ship it's based on both mature design and technology. It's a downsized and modified Type 054A hull and probably with downsized and downgraded Type 054A technology on board and some unique systems of it's own. The PLAN must feel very confident that the design and technology would work well since they are mass producing them without even a sea trial of the first one. And based on the pictures i say it's about 60m to 65m long and probably less than a 1000 tons.
I think some folks in the 054 thread are speculating it's hull 17 for the 054As, not hull 5 for the 056.
I think that the main reasons we are seeing 056s being pumped out in such numbers before even sea trails are as follows:
- As already pointed out, the 056 uses mostly mature and proven technology, Kinda like how the JF17 benefited from the J10 and the respective development cycles of those two.
- The nature and role of the 056 is well understood by the PLAN and Chinese ship builders. The PLAN has been a green/brown water navy for the vast majority of it's existence after all. It has probably as much operational knowledge and experience with littoral operations as any navy in the world, since that's pretty much all the PLAN did for decades until recently. As such, there was no need to build experimental and incremental improvement ship classes as they did up till the 054 and 052C - the PLAN and Chinese ship designers knew exactly what such a ship needs and how it should be design, so there is very little risk or ground breaking technologies or concepts involved.
- The number of recent territorial flare ups would undoubtably have hammered home the need for such ships as they would comfortably be able to handle anything most of the SEA countries could field, yet not escalate tensions as much as deploying even an 054A would. After all, I doubt the Chinese coast guard and other similar agencies particularly relished having their unarmed monitoring ships square off against the Philippines Navy's flagship recently.
- America's recent strategic 'pivot' to Asia Pacific would have also helped to secure additional funding and orders for 056s as the type's potent ASW potential is precisely what the PLAN currently desperately lacks at a time when the USN is planning to forward deploy most of it's tactical sub fleet to operate in the exact same waters the 056 is best placed to patrol.
I actually think this class has a rather poor ASW potential as it cannot embark its own helo and as far as I can see it lacks a rear opening for TAS. And even if it did it does not have anything on board that could make TAS info actionable. It would have to radio other ships or helos to come in and do the dirtywork. It doesn't even have ASW rocket launchers commonly seen on many other PLAN designs, which to be fair aren't really useful these days anyway. The only ASW capability that this ship has are the usual flank triple torpedo launchers, which really are much more suited for self-defense than for offensive ASW. I think this ship could have been made into an excellent ASW design had it been built with a hangar, embarked ASW helo, and a TAS line, and its YJ-83 missiles replaced by ASW missiles. But then again I seriously doubt they intended this design to be used in ASW warfare.- America's recent strategic 'pivot' to Asia Pacific would have also helped to secure additional funding and orders for 056s as the type's potent ASW potential is precisely what the PLAN currently desperately lacks at a time when the USN is planning to forward deploy most of it's tactical sub fleet to operate in the exact same waters the 056 is best placed to patrol.
Look who's back!![]()
I actually think this class has a rather poor ASW potential as it cannot embark its own helo
and as far as I can see it lacks a rear opening for TAS.
And even if it did it does not have anything on board that could make TAS info actionable.
It doesn't even have ASW rocket launchers commonly seen on many other PLAN designs, which to be fair aren't really useful these days anyway.
I think this ship could have been made into an excellent ASW design had it been built with a hangar, embarked ASW helo, and a TAS line, and its YJ-83 missiles replaced by ASW missiles. But then again I seriously doubt they intended this design to be used in ASW warfare.
I believe this comment hits the nail on the head.This is a brown water ASW platform, which is very different from a fleet ASW platform for a carrier battle group. The 056 may not be able to embark a helo, but it clearly has a landing pad and would certainly have all the necessary facilities onboard to re-fuel, re-arm ASW helos based elsewhere.