056 class FFL/corvette

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I was looking at the specs of the 056A with the Russian Buyan corvettes. Why is the 056 so weak compared to the Buyan-M corvettes?

056 has a displacement of 1500 tons and a complement of 72 people. Buyan-M is like 900 tons and a complement of just 50 people. With so much higher displacement and people onboard, the 056 armament is really weak compared to the Buyan-M.

Buyan-M has VLS to fire 8 Kalibr and Oniks missiles for both land attack and supersonic anti-ship attack. 056 just has the very old 083 anti-ship missiles and just 4 of them. Even type 022 has 8 missiles.

While Buyan has a 100 mm gun, 056 has 76mm gun.

In the air defense department, has 2 ak-630 CIWS, pantsir system, Komar SAM
Compare that with 056, which just has 8 cell RIM style short range missiles.

Other Russian corvettes recently made are also similarly packed with weapon systems compared to the 056. What am I missing in 056 that makes it a useful platform when there are so many foreign corvette design are available with heavy armement.


Registered Member
I was looking at the specs of the 056A with the Russian Buyan corvettes. Why is the 056 so weak compared to the Buyan-M corvettes?

056 has a displacement of 1500 tons and a complement of 72 people. Buyan-M is like 900 tons and a complement of just 50 people. With so much higher displacement and people onboard, the 056 armament is really weak compared to the Buyan-M.

Buyan-M has VLS to fire 8 Kalibr and Oniks missiles for both land attack and supersonic anti-ship attack. 056 just has the very old 083 anti-ship missiles and just 4 of them. Even type 022 has 8 missiles.

While Buyan has a 100 mm gun, 056 has 76mm gun.

In the air defense department, has 2 ak-630 CIWS, pantsir system, Komar SAM
Compare that with 056, which just has 8 cell RIM style short range missiles.

Other Russian corvettes recently made are also similarly packed with weapon systems compared to the 056. What am I missing in 056 that makes it a useful platform when there are so many foreign corvette design are available with heavy armement.
Buyan is a over sized Missile boat that operate in the Caspian Sea, while that of 056A is design as a modern day subchaser operating the huge span of SCS and China peripheries. Different concept as 056A is design for long endurances and Patrol. Where did you get the number of crew at 72? its more likely the same with Buran cause if true then it defeat the purpose of its design and mission.


Registered Member
I was looking at the specs of the 056A with the Russian Buyan corvettes. Why is the 056 so weak compared to the Buyan-M corvettes?

056 has a displacement of 1500 tons and a complement of 72 people. Buyan-M is like 900 tons and a complement of just 50 people. With so much higher displacement and people onboard, the 056 armament is really weak compared to the Buyan-M.

Buyan-M has VLS to fire 8 Kalibr and Oniks missiles for both land attack and supersonic anti-ship attack. 056 just has the very old 083 anti-ship missiles and just 4 of them. Even type 022 has 8 missiles.

While Buyan has a 100 mm gun, 056 has 76mm gun.

In the air defense department, has 2 ak-630 CIWS, pantsir system, Komar SAM
Compare that with 056, which just has 8 cell RIM style short range missiles.

Other Russian corvettes recently made are also similarly packed with weapon systems compared to the 056. What am I missing in 056 that makes it a useful platform when there are so many foreign corvette design are available with heavy armement.
It is retired for a reason. Right now it is serving the coast guard and more weapons do not matter.


Junior Member
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Buyan is a over sized Missile boat that operate in the Caspian Sea, while that of 056A is design as a modern day subchaser operating the huge span of SCS and China peripheries. Different concept as 056A is design for long endurances and Patrol. Where did you get the number of crew at 72? its more likely the same with Buran cause if true then it defeat the purpose of its design and mission.
All numbers from Wikipedia.


056 has much bigger complement.

THX 1138

Junior Member
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The Type 056A has a helicopter deck, as well as towed array and variable depth sonars. It appears to be better suited for anti-submarine warfare than the Buyan. The Type 056A also boasts an endurance of 15 days instead of 10 days.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Like others said, the Type 056A is simply designed with a different mission set in mind. It is meant to operate further away from the coast and act as a sub chaser with its advanced underwater sensor suite and anti-submarine helicopter deck. The Russians have no ship like it. Their smallest modern submarine chaser is the Project 20380 with like twice the displacement. Which is meant to replace the older Project 1124 with half its displacement.
The Russians are supposed to be working on a smaller corvette for sub chasing but it hasn't even left the concept design stage yet.
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