I have no idea where you are getting these numbers from. US has 96, Japan has 42, Australia has 11, Korea has 25, UK has 19, France has 23. Of these, no UK and French ships would ever realistically be involved in any war with China. And neither would Korea or Australia unless their vital strategic interests were being threatened directly by China. Neither Taiwan nor DYT would count as vital strategic interests for either of these countries. As for the US, almost half are deployed either on the East Coast or in the European theater, leaving about 58 available to the Asian theater. 18 Japanese ships are either obsolescent or semi-obsolescent, leaving 24 modern warships. So in any realistic scenario involving major naval conflict between China and the US + Japan, you're looking at roughly 80-odd ships to deal with, with most of the US ships homeported in Guam, Hawaii or the West Coast, meaning their endurance is going to be much less than Chinese warships deployed right off their own coast.
Deployed number is not a good base i think varies by areas you can't be exact, according homeport better
CG/DDG Atlantic Fleet with 2/4/6 Fleets have 40, Pacific Fleet with 3/5/7 Fleets have 56
For 9 LCS in service + 87 CGs/DDGS with the 2 last new AB ( now 64 ) and the Zumwalt + 3 MSCs for this year, a 3th Burke for some months and remains 3 LCS in 2017 also 2 Virginia replacing 2 LA.
For Submarines SSNs + SSGns : 24 and 31
During 1980's about Atlantic Fleet 60 % and Pacific Fleet 40 %
Détails ...
The 7 Koreans Ulsan do 2200 t for size can be a Corvette and for amament is a Corvette
Same for the 6 Floréal but you are generous
We have yes 17 true DDGs/FFGs.
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