056 class FFL/corvette

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Senior Member
You're reviving my feeling that the Type 056 is underarmed, back to thinking 15x FL3000 and even 8x YJ-83 being necessary.

PLAN is using the 056 to replace small combatants ranging from gunboats, sub-chasers, to missile boats. It is not necessary nor desirable for all the versions to be heavily armed. More weapons and sensors means more top weight which reduces sea keeping ability. For example, those Tarantul and Molniya are notorious poor sea boats. At this time of the years, with the monsoon raging in the southern sea, lighter armed 056 is a far better patrol boat.

Comparing a new build 056 (056A?) and an existing modified 056 (as compared to the original 056 with bare funnels etc.):
3) There is now an additional spherical sensor on the port side of the aft superstructure.

can you circle this change in the picture?


I am thinking the one at the back have smaller windows, while the two front ones would have similar sized bridge, but one on the right sits a bit higher on water, and have a higher mast.

I agree with you. the front two are the same but the one on the rear is the original 056. look at the draft line and also the 'covering' on the bridge. It makes it looks like the bridgr is taller because the covering goes 'above' the bridge superstructure. The one on the right side also appears to be a tad closer to the camera so it appears taller as well.


Senior Member
just to illustrate what I see.



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A variant of the Type 056 with higher bridge



do you know when these photos were originally posted? It seems like there are 3 056 here, which would indicate that one is the 8th at HuDong shipyard if it's taken recently and the 5th one is no longer there. i haven't seen any picture of an 8th 056 that's about to be launched in recent photos.


You're reviving my feeling that the Type 056 is underarmed, back to thinking 15x FL3000 and even 8x YJ-83 being necessary.

Comparing a new build 056 (056A?) and an existing modified 056 (as compared to the original 056 with bare funnels etc.):
1) There is now either a taller solid railing atop the bridge or there is added internal ceiling height, or both.
2) The pedestal at the foot of the mast now protrudes more onto the roof of the bridge.
3) There is now an additional spherical sensor on the port side of the aft superstructure.

I believe the YJ-83s have greater range than the Urans.

I am thinking the one at the back have smaller windows, while the two front ones would have similar sized bridge, but one on the right sits a bit higher on water, and have a higher mast.

Thanks, makes more sense to me now.


New Member
Are my eyes deceiving me or does that 056 behind the one on the left (with no orange-yellow tarp) appear to have smaller bridge windows? If that is true, does that mean this pic is showing 3 056s with varying configs?

I think you are right, the one in the back is old 056, the two in the foreground share the new bridge design, but the one on the right has a redesigned mast, note the readjustment for edge alignment.


do you know when these photos were originally posted? It seems like there are 3 056 here, which would indicate that one is the 8th at HuDong shipyard if it's taken recently and the 5th one is no longer there. i haven't seen any picture of an 8th 056 that's about to be launched in recent photos.

Those are from at least two months ago.
can you circle this change in the picture?

I am referring to the additional white dome on the roof of the aft superstructure at the front port-side corner visible in the picture from post #2308 , but I stand corrected after looking at more pictures, it is present on most pictures of the type other than some of the earliest ones.


Junior Member
You're reviving my feeling that the Type 056 is underarmed, back to thinking 15x FL3000 and even 8x YJ-83 being necessary.

Comparing a new build 056 (056A?) and an existing modified 056 (as compared to the original 056 with bare funnels etc.):
1) There is now either a taller solid railing atop the bridge or there is added internal ceiling height, or both.
2) The pedestal at the foot of the mast now protrudes more onto the roof of the bridge.
3) There is now an additional spherical sensor on the port side of the aft superstructure.

Unlike some smaller Navies, PLAN does not rely on those missile boats, and there are a large number of Type 022 FAC anyways.

056 is not supposed to attack a larger fleet with large numbers of YJ-83, like missile boats...

A stronger air-defence and Anti submarine capability would be nice for the 056, but it is not bad as it is.
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