Senior Member
You're reviving my feeling that the Type 056 is underarmed, back to thinking 15x FL3000 and even 8x YJ-83 being necessary.
PLAN is using the 056 to replace small combatants ranging from gunboats, sub-chasers, to missile boats. It is not necessary nor desirable for all the versions to be heavily armed. More weapons and sensors means more top weight which reduces sea keeping ability. For example, those Tarantul and Molniya are notorious poor sea boats. At this time of the years, with the monsoon raging in the southern sea, lighter armed 056 is a far better patrol boat.
Comparing a new build 056 (056A?) and an existing modified 056 (as compared to the original 056 with bare funnels etc.):
3) There is now an additional spherical sensor on the port side of the aft superstructure.
can you circle this change in the picture?