054B/new generation frigate


VIP Professional
It would be a perfect time to introduce another, smaller vls module holding only 4 cells in a line. Even 054a might be able to fit 20 or 24 cells that way. Next frigate, if designed from the get go for a more distributed vls layout would easily improve on that. Alas, there is no indication such a module exists.

The Observer

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I don't care what it looks like or what propulsion it uses, all I'm praying for is that it uses UVLS so that my mild OCD won't be triggered
Personally, after I see the HJ-18 hot launch close up picture, I'm kinda underwhelmed by the usable volume in UVLS. So I don't particularly care if it's UVLS or H/AJK16.

IMO it might even be better if 054B use both VLS since UVLS hot launch is so space inefficient.


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Personally, after I see the HJ-18 hot launch close up picture, I'm kinda underwhelmed by the usable volume in UVLS. So I don't particularly care if it's UVLS or H/AJK16.

IMO it might even be better if 054B use both VLS since UVLS hot launch is so space inefficient.

That's because the YJ-18 hot launch has vents taking up part of each cell -- the hot launch system doesn't maximize the usage of the UVLS's 850mm cross section.

It's larger weapons like the ship launched ASHBM/HGV or the mysterious large ABM weapon, that would take advantage of it.


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More from 大包

Others have already commented about the weapons fit displayed and what could be changed or may be different on the real thing -- so I won't comment on that.

I will say that I think his depiction of the main rotating mast mounted radar is a bit lower than what I personally expect the real thing to be.
I would expect 054B's main radar to be mounted at a similar height to Sea Eagle on 054A.



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Is this chassis to counter the new frigates that are coming out of JPN?
Military equipments are rarely designed to "counter" anything, especially unlikely in a force as reliant on consistent fighting doctrine and force structure as the navy. Type 054Bs most likely will fill in the role 054A always filled (which is mainly fleet ASW and some degree of AAW, assisting the destroyers), only of course substantially more capable.

While the Mogami class is designed to replace old DEs and serve as escort ships in the mine-hunting fleet of JMSDF's new force structure; while also being capable enough in ASW (first in JMSDF to carry VDS), ASuW (8*17SSM), and AAW (03 Chu-SAM kai) to fill in in the main fighting fleets.

Type 054B is a relatively specialized "blue-water" warship meant to complete its assigned tasks the best it can; while the Mogami class is a multi-purpose warship that focuses much on littoral warfare, hence the significant emphasis on mine-hunting unmanned vehicle operations. These two are hardly comparable in their respective roles to be considered "counter" to each other.


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What is 054B's primary purpose hypothesized to be? It's not a 054A replacement?

My personal view:

It should be a blue water capable surface combatant that is modern and more capable than 054A, more affordable and more future proof (including possibly in propulsion/power system) than 052D, perhaps better able to keep up with higher speed task forces than 054A, overall more capable in ASW and AAW than 054A with correspondingly more advanced in those subsystems.

It should be able to operate independently in medium threat environments if needed, and be able to credibly contribute to task forces or distributed warfare in a high threat environment.