Here a new image of the first Pakistan Navy’s Type 054AP but - I'm indeed not a naval guy - can anyone identify the equipment - esp. the radar - installed? It looks different to those on PLAN Type 054As?!
View attachment 66735
View attachment 66736
Export version of Type 517. Not sure if it still uses Type 517 name. It can go with an export name instead. Compared to Type 517, the elements are more closely spaced, so the frequency is a bit higher, but there are more elements. This new version on the 054A/P now has 2x8 elements, previously it has 2x6.
On the 053H3 given to Bangladesh, the original Type 517s were removed, and this new version are installed right in before they were given away.
The other radar appears to be SR2410C. SR would mean it is a Search Radar and the suffix may indicate it uses C-band. This was advertised to be an AESA.
On top of Bangladesh C13B, which is a Type 056 variant.