Via LKJ86 at the PDF. Frigates 525, 549, 577 and 599.
525 is in the midst of her MLU. There don't seem to be any activity on the ship. 549 is in the midst of maintenance and minor refit.
The gems in the comparison between 577 and 599. 577 is the older ship, if this is already evidenced by the rust in her bow. But more than that, the picture gives you a direct comparison between "old" 054A vs. "new" 054A or 054A+. Aside from the change of the Type 730 CIWS to the 1130, there are less evident but significant details from an electronics standpoint.
The ECM on the 054A is changed to the Type 726-3 ECM unit on the 054A+. The 726-3 ECM is the standard ECM used with Chinese destroyers like 052C/D so its bringing the ship's ECM up to that level.
Minor changes in the ESM unit near the top of the mast.
Around the Type 364 SSR in the funnel mast, on the 054A+ the radar is fenced in by what I guess is a new IFF system.
Towards the back, the SATCOM has changed from a globular shape to a more cylindrical shape that's nearly flat on top. I am not sure what it means. I can only imagine that in the old SATCOM, you have a mechanical gymballing parabolic antenna that turns and follows the satellite. This would require a bulb like spherical dome. In this new non spherical and faceted dome, the antenna may consist of a flat series of phase or planar arrays around a circle, or it can be a conformal array wrapped around in a circle, and one phase or planar array on top of it.
The new SATCOM appeared after the 054A+, and this may delineate what is the third batch of 054A+. 599 belongs to this batch. Changes to the mast ESM and the addition of IFF on the Type 364 might be particular to the third batch, but I like to see more pictures.

525 is in the midst of her MLU. There don't seem to be any activity on the ship. 549 is in the midst of maintenance and minor refit.
The gems in the comparison between 577 and 599. 577 is the older ship, if this is already evidenced by the rust in her bow. But more than that, the picture gives you a direct comparison between "old" 054A vs. "new" 054A or 054A+. Aside from the change of the Type 730 CIWS to the 1130, there are less evident but significant details from an electronics standpoint.
The ECM on the 054A is changed to the Type 726-3 ECM unit on the 054A+. The 726-3 ECM is the standard ECM used with Chinese destroyers like 052C/D so its bringing the ship's ECM up to that level.
Minor changes in the ESM unit near the top of the mast.
Around the Type 364 SSR in the funnel mast, on the 054A+ the radar is fenced in by what I guess is a new IFF system.
Towards the back, the SATCOM has changed from a globular shape to a more cylindrical shape that's nearly flat on top. I am not sure what it means. I can only imagine that in the old SATCOM, you have a mechanical gymballing parabolic antenna that turns and follows the satellite. This would require a bulb like spherical dome. In this new non spherical and faceted dome, the antenna may consist of a flat series of phase or planar arrays around a circle, or it can be a conformal array wrapped around in a circle, and one phase or planar array on top of it.
The new SATCOM appeared after the 054A+, and this may delineate what is the third batch of 054A+. 599 belongs to this batch. Changes to the mast ESM and the addition of IFF on the Type 364 might be particular to the third batch, but I like to see more pictures.