The thing is, a missile the size and weight of the HHQ-16 --- 700kg class --- has the potential to serve a range from 40km to 160km. Assuming the missile length to be 5.2m to 5.5 meters, the VLS depth can be under 6m. This can allow you to put the VLS on smaller, tighter ships.
I don't think the radars on the 054B --- assuming the ones I previously discussed, a rotating single or dual faced S-band radar small enough to be put on top of the mast but the face much smaller than the Type 346's, then a set of small four faced X-band radars below it , analogous to SAMPSON on top and Thales APAR beneath --- are able to support SAM missile engagement in excess of 160km, and a range from 120 to 150km would be more like it. That won't be able to exercise HHQ-9B and beyond with excess of 200+ km range engagement. This however, still fits what a 700kg medium sized SAM can potentially do.
That is why for the high range stuff, you need the full Type 346X set which won't fit on a 054B.
I think an array half the size of Type 346A or similar in size to SAMPSON should be able to support SAM engagement in excess of 200km, after all it's not like Aster 30's engagement range is limited by SAMPSON rather than the missile itself.
Additionally, I don't think it is reasonable to come up with a whole new length of the UVLS to make the idea of further developing the HHQ-16 seem more attractive. I think if they had been planning such a length of the UVLS it would've been described as such from the outset and would've heard about it by now.
The way I see it, there are three engagement categories:
10-50 km: which in the future should be the domain of the quad pack MR SAM
50-200 km: which would be the domain of HHQ-9 variants
200-400+ km: the domain of the new VLRSAM
I believe frigates should have the ability to engage aerial targets of 200+km if required, though obviously the bulk of the aerial targets they engage would be with MR SAMs
I do not expect frigates to have the capability or requirement to engage targets greatly in excess of 200km, as that would come down to the large destroyers and destroyers.