Lieutenant General
Very good production run for Type 054A it's been full of surprises and really exciting to follow
Will it continue? As always we don't know but a very good FFG and now in very healthy numbers
The 054A production run is probably nearing its end, but that is only because newer and better designs are becoming available.
I would expect the likes of the 054A follow-on frigate, 052D and even 055 classes to get a healthy and probably higher than expected production run (although the pace of construction may slow).
The primary reason for this would actually be economic, rather than military or political.
The world economy is in poor shape, and times are very tough in the ship building industry right now. The Chinese government is using naval contracts as a form of stimulus program to help keep its shipyards busy as commercial work dried up (which is why the 056 was built at so many different yards all across the country).
The PLAN naval expansion is caused more by the global economic downturn rather than China feeling like it really needs to expand its fleet so much.
The Chinese government is trying to help its shipbuilding industry weather this current economic storm with minimal deep, and damaging cuts to core capabilities and the loss of highly skilled workers, so that when the good times return, the Chinese shipbuilding industry will emerge in a stronger position compared to those nations who could not afford help their shipyards as much during the downturn.