Well done 'Forbin'...........i had noticed a few errors as well with the 054A build table, but i was too lazy to post them here.
Have you checked the rest of the data on that table, and is it correct?
Wikipedia can still be used as a cross reference to check the build data of earlier vessels, as there is a history page, which shows the original build data of the 054A class.........unfortunately the current page is more or less useless now, since the troll(s) removed the data!

Should we use this table as a reference for the future, or can you 'Jeff' update your table, as i'am sure you want the most accurate info possible, so as to keep your website upto date!

I was only looking at that Chinese 054A build table yesterday on a Chinese military website, and was wondering when boat '578' was going to be commissioned..........and i now see it was commissioned today, ,and this has been confirmed from another source as well............so that's
20 054A's in service now.
I've said it several times before...............but i notice some members still keep posting false information about ships being commissioned, based on the fact that a completed vessel has a pennant number on. The only true reliable source, is when the Chinese themselves report a ship commissioning, usually showing a ceremony by a quayside with flags being displayed

. There is a video of said commissioning on the internet, on a Chinese website
Anyway, that's 4 Frigates inducted into the fleet this year.............and with 3 Destroyers, 2 x 052C, and 1 x 052D being also inducted since the end of Dec 2014............that's quite an added punch to the Chinese Navy surface fleet!