Great photos... but I have to say, the overall size and arrangement of the CIC appears to be far different to what we saw of the 052C, and far bigger as well.
The 052C seemed to be far more rectangular in shape, with no space in the middle for that conference table, and also with no space on the smaller sides of the rectangle for consoles.
The 052D's CIC also seems to be far more square in shape, with more surface area (including for the conference table smack bang in the middle of the CIC with a bit of space to spare), with more consoles in the CIC overall, as well as having consoles on all four sides of the square shape for consoles.
It also seems like the ASW/sonar consoles may be part of the CIC overall, but is tucked into a corner, giving it the appearance like it is in a separate room.
I had thought that giving ASW/sonar consoles a dedicated separate room seemed a little bit unnecessary considering all other modern warships centralize those functions with others to the CIC.
I don't know where the ASW/sonar consoles are in the CIC, if they are there at all. Note there are three ASW/sonar consoles abreast, squeezed in a 'room' like enclosure with smooth ceiling and wall panels, almost like an office. But other photos show the CIC as having exposed structural beams on both the ceiling and walls. Note the second photo below shows a door and a wall-mounted fan, both of which I can't place in the CIC layout I gleaned from the rest of the photos.
There is a semi-partition in the middle of the CIC, and I thought maybe the ASW consoles were tucked at the end of the partition, but looking at other photos, that space is accounted for by other equipment...
I can't imagine they would have sensor or combat related consoles too far away from the centralized area.