052/052B Class Destroyers

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

There is no doubt that JN can launch 2 x DDG in a year, the proof is the last 4 Type 052C units

With 1 launch in Nov 2010 and subsequently 1 every 6 months thereafter

Infact we seen 3 launches alone in 2012, thats C6, D1 and D2, but to be honest I would even say 4 launches in one year, that's from Dec 2011 to Dec 2012, it was C5, C6, D1 and D2

After seeing Type 054A numbers China will now do the number on DDG constriction, next few years Type 052D will be seen in many numbers

I recon China will have more than a dozen DDG in 2015, thats including the 6 x Type 052C


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

There is no doubt that JN can launch 2 x DDG in a year, the proof is the last 4 Type 052C units

With 1 launch in Nov 2010 and subsequently 1 every 6 months thereafter

Infact we seen 3 launches alone in 2012, thats C6, D1 and D2, but to be honest I would even say 4 launches in one year, that's from Dec 2011 to Dec 2012, it was C5, C6, D1 and D2

After seeing Type 054A numbers China will now do the number on DDG constriction, next few years Type 052D will be seen in many numbers

I recon China will have more than a dozen DDG in 2015, thats including the 6 x Type 052C

I think you're right Asif.. far from being an oracle but there is strong indication the PLAN really like the 054 platform and probably intend on making the 054D their 'Arleigh Burke'. It will basically be the workhorse of the PLAN for the next 25 yrs.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I think you're right Asif.. far from being an oracle but there is strong indication the PLAN really like the 054 platform and probably intend on making the 054D their 'Arleigh Burke'. It will basically be the workhorse of the PLAN for the next 25 yrs.
I think you mean 052 and 052D.

As far as the PLAN's satisfaction with this platform, it is definitely adviseable to wait to see what kind of displacement the "055" will end up having. If it is closer to 11 or 12,000 tons, then possibly the 052D will be the destroyer workhorse that the Arleigh Burke has become, while the 055 assumes the cruiser role. If it is closer to 8 or 9,000 tons, then I think we are looking at yet another destroyer design that will likely take over the destroyer role from the 052 series in the future, with the current 052C/D's filling in a short term need due to the obsolescence and retirement of the Ludas.


Lieutenant General
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

It's too bad the 052D will still have inferior ASW suite. That is one area of concentration where I feel PLAN needs to focus more R & D on is ship internal ASW electronics and sonar technologies. You can have the best surface combatant in the world but if your ASW is your weakling it'll all go up in smoke (literally) when even a couple of 3rd world SSK can sink your flagship or major combatants.

At least they are trying to make better submarines and improving their ASW air assets BUT there is no doubt PLAN's major weakness is below the keel where eyes can't typically see.

I feel the need to defend 052D's ASW suite -- we've speculated that 052C most likely has a bow sonar and TAS from pictures, which we can probably expect 052D to feature as well -- of course we don't know the full capability of either, but it is a little harsh to immediately write 052C/D's ASW suite as deficient. Especially as 052D's CCL VLS will mean it should definitely have an ability to fire VLA like weapons. On paper, that is all the relevant components necessary for a world class ASW suite that modern multi mission surface combatants are equipped with.

I'm not disagreeing the threat of submarines of course, and the PLAN has some pathological deficiencies in ASW, namely the lack of large numbers of MPA/ASW planes, and ASW helicopters that could be in greater quantity and quality. But in terms of the 052D platform itself, we don't know enough to judge.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I feel the need to defend 052D's ASW suite -- we've speculated that 052C most likely has a bow sonar and TAS from pictures, which we can probably expect 052D to feature as well -- of course we don't know the full capability of either, but it is a little harsh to immediately write 052C/D's ASW suite as deficient. Especially as 052D's CCL VLS will mean it should definitely have an ability to fire VLA like weapons. On paper, that is all the relevant components necessary for a world class ASW suite that modern multi mission surface combatants are equipped with.

I'm not disagreeing the threat of submarines of course, and the PLAN has some pathological deficiencies in ASW, namely the lack of large numbers of MPA/ASW planes, and ASW helicopters that could be in greater quantity and quality. But in terms of the 052D platform itself, we don't know enough to judge.
I think the main ASW deficiency with the 052D at this point is its anemic-looking bow sonar (assuming a VLA-type weapon exists for this class). A beefier high/medium frequency sonar with more emitting/detecting elements like the massive things we see on AB's would help enhance its ASW capability, especially in active mode when it is pinging to try and get returns at convergence zones.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

A correction that first picture would be C4 and C5, C1 and C2 being 170 and 171

C3 and C4 will be 150 and 151 (150 has been commissioned)

C5 and C6 will be 152 and 153, so the second picture might be C6 and D1

D1 and D2 will go to SSF as 172 and 173, not sure how the last picture can be D4 I would expect that to be under construction in the hall along with D3 so that might be D5, as also D1 and D2 are already launched

D3 onwards will go to NSF as 117-120

Never the less a nice fleet of DDG in the making!
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

A correction that first picture would be C4 and C5, C1 and C2 being 170 and 171

C3 and C4 will be 150 and 151 (150 has been commissioned)

C5 and C6 will be 152 and 153, so the second picture might be C6 and D1

D1 and D2 will go to SSF as 172 and 173

D3 onwards will go to NSF as 117-120

Never the less a nice fleet of DDG in the making!

Thanks My Friend, My Bad!