052/052B Class Destroyers


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I still haven't found a copy of GJB 5860-2006(K), but I did dug up a whole bunch of other standards.

Sandards Description
GJB180A-2006 Z 低速风洞飞机模型设计准则(代替GJB180-86)
GJB625A-2006 Z 军用固定翼飞机和旋翼机科研试飞复杂科目(代替GJB625-88)
GJB626A-2006 Z 军用固定翼飞机和旋翼机科研试飞风险科目(代替GJB626-88)
GJB659A-2006 Z 地空导弹使用期评定(代替GJB659-89)
GJB2112A-2006 Z 地地导弹勤务车通用规范(代替GJB2112-94)
GJB2339A-2006 Z 抛放弹通用规范(代替GJB2339-95)
GJB2418.5A-2006 Z 军队机关公文主题词标引规则(代替GJB2418.5-95)
GJB2440A-2006 Z 混合集成电路外壳通用规范(代替GJB2440-95)
GJB2462A-2006 Z 航空用棉线编织橡胶软管规范(代替GJB2462-95)
GJB2703A-2006 Z 航天器热控系统通用规范(代替GJB2703-96)
GJB2704A-2006 Z 航天器热控涂层通用规范(代替GJB2704-96)
GJB2783A-2006 Z 地空导弹制导雷达通用规范(代替GJB2783-96、GJBz20380-97)
GJB2982A-2006 Z 两级液体运载火箭试发射规程(代替GJB2982-97)
GJB2983A-2006 Z 两极地地固体战略导弹测试时发射规程(代替GJB2983-97)
GJB2988A-2006 Z 自由飞弹道靶模型设计准则(代替GJB2988-97)
GJB4597A-2006 Z 航空发动机履历本编制要求(代替GJB4597-92)
GJB5442-2005 Z 军用野战移动式多功能电源通用规范
GJB5551-2006 Z 飞机非核生存力通用准则
GJB5560-2006 Z 飞机基本重量检查单与装载数据手册编制要求
GJB5562-2006 Z 飞机维修手册编制要求
GJB5567-2006 Z 飞机定期检查和维护规定的编制要求
GJB5569-2006 Z 机载设备图解零部件目录编制要求
GJB5575-2006 Z 飞机腐蚀控制手册编制要求
GJB5580-2006 Z 航空发动机大修手册编制要求
GJB5590-2006 Z 军用飞机部队试用大纲和报告编制要求
GJB5647-2006 Z 战术电台综合入口设备通用规范
GJB5702-2006 Z 轻型伴随桥设计定型试验规程
GJB5773-2006 Z 地空导弹武器系统飞行试验弹道评定方法
GJB5775-2006 Z 空地导弹指令传输系统机载设备通用规范
GJB5776-2006 Z 地空通信指挥车通用规范
GJB5777-2006 Z 地空通信系统录音时设备通用规范
GJB5782-2006 Z 雷达旅团级组网系统通用要求
GJB5784-2006 Z 飞机地面电源电连接器通用规范
GJB5785-2006 Z 军用内燃发电机组通用规范
GJB5786-2006 Z 地地导弹消防清洗车通用规范
GJB5787-2006 Z 地地战略导弹高空工作台通用规范
GJB5789-2006 Z 常规导弹武器装备战场抢修手册编写要求
GJB5791-2006 Z 直升机机载侦察雷达战术性能试验方法
GJB5794.1-2006 Z 网络入侵检测产品测评方法第1部分:网络型产品
GJB5794.2-2006 Z 网络入侵检测产品测评方法第2部分:主机型产品
GJB5797-2006 Z 短波指测通信收发信终端设备规范
GJB5798-2006 Z 超短波无线电侦测系统通用规范
GJB5799-2006 Z 超短波多波道测向接收机通用规范
GJB5800-2006 Z 通信信号侦察频谱监测设备通用要求
GJB5807-2006 Z 军用印制板组装件焊后清洗要求
GJB5808-2006 Z 军用通信车车载电源系统通用规范
GJB5810-2006 Z 陆军防空兵雷达地面询问机部队试验规程
GJB5811-2006 Z 反坦克导弹武器系统训练模拟器通用规范
GJB5813-2006 Z 地雷部队储存、运输与销毁技术要求
GJB5814-2006 Z 军用电子器件X射线剂量增强效应测量方法
GJB5816-2006 Z 高频感应加热风洞试验运行规程
GJB5817-2006 Z 小型风力发电机风洞测试要求
GJB5818-2006 Z 电子对抗试验场试验设备接口要求
GJB5819-2006 Z 机载测控站任务实施程序及要求
GJB5820-2006 Z 地地弹道式导弹飞行试验发射预案编制要求
GJB5821-2006 Z 着陆场医监医保医疗救护设施配置要求
GJB5822-2006 Z 航天发射试验火工品使用规则
GJB5823.1-2006 Z 高级在轨系统网络和数据链路第1部分:数据结构
GJB5823.2-2006 Z 高级在轨系统网络和数据链路第2部分:数据加密
GJB5824-2006 Z 靶场高速电视摄像记录系统通用规范
GJB5825-2006 Z 靶场试验遥测图像传输要求
GJB5826-2006 Z 天地VHF通信系统通用规范
GJB5827-2006 Z 载人航天飞船与飞控中心无线联试规程
GJB5829-2006 Z 导弹航天器脉冲雷达多站联测规程
GJB5831-2006 Z 地球同步卫星公用平台在轨测试规程
GJB5832-2006 Z 两栖装备牺牲阳极保护设计和安装
GJB5834-2006 Z 装甲车辆舱室内有害气体浓度限值
GJB5838-2006 Z 军用核材料实物保护准则
GJB5844.1-2006 Z 卫星工程技术手册编写规定第1部分:综合分册
GJB5844.2-2006 Z 卫星工程技术手册编写规定第2部分:卫星分册
GJB5844.3-2006 Z 卫星工程技术手册编写规定第3部分:应用分册
GJB5844.5-2006 Z 卫星工程技术手册编写规定第5部分:运载火箭分册
GJB5845-2006 Z 液体推进剂钛合金贮箱通用规范
GJB5847-2006 Z 射频和微波固态放大器通用规范
GJB5848-2006 Z 发射场卫星推进剂泄漏检测方法
GJB5849-2006 Z 固体激光器通用规范
GJB5850-2006 Z 小型熔断器通用规范
GJB/Z148-2006 Z 军用电容器选择和应用指南
GJB20A-2006 Z 飞行员个体防护救生装备号型(代替GJB20-84)
GJB1003A-2006 Z 飞机燃油系统通用规范(代替GJB1003-90)
GJB1119A-2006 Z 防风系船水鼓(代替GJB1119-91)
GJB1266A-2006 Z 核武器术语(代替GJB1266-91)
GJB1438A-2006 Z 印制电路连接器及其附件通用规范(代替GJB1438-92)
GJB2422A-2006 Z 轻武器微光瞄准镜定型试验方法(代替GJB2422-95)
GJB3225A-2006 Z 飞机电源系统液压恒速传动装置通用规范(代替GJB3225-98)
GJB3687A-2006 Z 军用核材料术语(代替GJB3687-99)
GJB4027A-2006 Z 军用电子元器件破坏性物理分析方法(代替GJB4027-2000)
GJB5544-2006 Z 航空火箭发射器电气接口通用要求
GJB5683-2006 Z 军用直升机空地导弹武器系统通用规范
GJB5689-2006 Z 军事装备吊装与固定装置通用要求
GJB5771-2006 Z 舰载直升机通用要求
GJB5774-2006 Z 空地导弹靶场试验规程
GJB5778-2006 Z 机载脉冲多普勒火控雷达通用规范
GJB5781-2006 Z 军用地面雷达用户技术资料编制要求
GJB5783-2006 Z 耐环境圆形电连接器的绝缘安装板接触件孔位排列
GJB5788-2006 Z 导弹武器系统用户技术资料通用要求
GJB5793-2006 Z 网络安全漏洞扫描分析产品测评方法
GJB5806-2006 Z 智能密钥卡通用规范
GJB5812-2006 Z 炮兵测地车通用规范
GJB5815-2006 Z 轻武器光学瞄准镜定型试验方法(代替GJB349.19-89)
GJB5833-2006 Z 两栖装备硅酮密封剂应用技术要求
GJB5840-2006 Z 军用核材料衡算MUF评价准则
GJB5844.4-2006 Z 卫星工程技术手册编写规定 第4部分:测控分册
GJB5844.6-2006 Z 卫星工程技术手册编写规定 第6部分:发射场分册
GJB5846-2006 Z 运载火箭用户手册编写要求
GJB 1931A-2006 Z 软磁铁氧体磁心通用规范(代替GJB1931-94)
GJB 5547-2006 Z 机载通信、导航、识别系统通用规范
GJB 5602-2006 Z 下投式探空测风系统通用规范
GJB 5792-2006 Z 军用涉密信息系统电磁屏蔽体等级划分和测量方法
GJB 5839-2006 Z 军用核材料实物保护系统评价导则
GJB/Z 108A-2006 Z 电子设备非工作状态可靠性预计手册(代替GJB/Z108-98)
GJB/Z 1391-2006 Z 故障模式、影响及危害性分析指南
GJB/Z 457-2006 Z 机载电子设备通用指南(代替GJB457-88)
GJB19B-2007 Z 歼(强)击机座椅几何尺寸(代替GJB19A-98)
GJB/Z150.1-2007 Z 军用电子设备安全设计指南 第1部分:电击防护
GJB548B-2005 Z 微电子器件试验方法和程序(代替GJB548A-96)
GJB1211A-2007 Z 野战用户电话交换机通用规范(代替GJB1211-91、GJB2764-96)
GJB1146A-2007 Z 军用卫星通信地球站接口(代替GJB1146-91)
GJB1405A-2006 Z 装备质量管理术语(代替GJB1405-92,GJBz20357)
GJB1897A-2007 Z 纵向密封自埋电缆规范(代替GJB1897-94)
GJB3083A-2007 Z 军用无线双工移动通信系统移动用户台通用规范(代替GJB3082-97、GJB3083-97)
GJB3677A-2006 Z 装备检验验收程序(代替GJBz20358-97,GJB3677-99,GJB3917-99)
GJB3885A-2006 Z 装备研制过程质量监督要求(代替GJB3885-99)
GJB3886A-2006 Z 军事代表对承制单位型号研制费使用监督要求(代替GJB3886-99)
GJB3887A-2006 Z 军事代表参加装备定型工作程序(代替GJB3887-99)
GJB3898A-2006 Z 军事代表参与装备采购招标工作要求(代替GJB-3898-99)
GJB3899A-2006 Z 大型复杂装备军事代表质量监督体系工作要求(代替GJB3899-99,GJB3918-99)
GJB3900A-2006 Z 装备采购合同中质量保证要求的提出(代替GJB3900-99)
GJB3916A-2006 Z 装备出厂检查、交接与发运质量工作要求(代替GJB3916-99)
GJB3919A-2006 Z 封存生产线质量监督要求(代替GJB3919-99)
GJB3920A-2006 Z 装备转厂复产鉴定质量监督要求(代替GJB3920-99)
GJB4072A-2006 Z 军用软件质量监督要求(代替GJB4072-2000)
GJB5678-2006 Z 军用直升机武装系统靶标通用规范
GJB5707-2006 Z 装备售后技术服务质量监督要求(代替GJB/Z116-98、GJB/Z3-88)
GJB5708-2006 Z 装备质量监督通用要求(代替GJBz20275-95 )
GJB5709-2006 Z 装备技术状态管理监督要求(代替GJBz20489-98)
GJB5710-2006 Z 装备生产过程质量监督要求(代替GJB/Z20276-95)
GJB5711-2006 Z 装备质量问题处理通用要求(代替GJBz20359-97)
GJB5712-2006 Z 装备试验质量监督要求
GJB5713-2006 Z 装备承制单位资格审查要求
GJB5714-2006 Z 外购器材质量监督要求(代替GJBz20491-98)
GJB5715-2006 Z 引进装备检验验收程序
GJB5716-2006 Z 军用软件开发库、受控库和产品库通用要求
GJB5724-2006 Z 抗氢钢棒规范
GJB5918-2007 Z 军航座舱交通信息显示及操作要求
GJB5919-2007 Z 军航管制员工作站界面显示要求
GJB5921-2007 Z 飞机有寿件目录编制要求
GJB5922-2007 Z 飞机技术通报编制要求
GJB5923-2007 Z 飞机飞行手册编制要求
GJB5924-2007 Z 地地导弹贮备电池干态检测仪规范
GJB5927-2007 Z 军用无线双工移动通信系统合路器通用规范
GJB5928-2007 Z 军用无线双工移动通信系统信道控制器通用规范
GJB5930-2007 Z 军用电台配套设备品种系列
GJB5931-2007 Z 军用有中继海底光缆通信系统通用要求
GJB5932-2007 Z 军用搬移式全光中继设备规范
GJB5934-2007 Z 军用微波接力通信设备测试接口
GJB5935-2007 Z 军用低速声码器接口通用要求
GJB5937-2007 Z 军用电子装备自动测试系统通用要求
GJB5938-2007 Z 军用电子装备测试程序集通用要求
GJB5939-2007 Z 军用便携式太阳能供电设备通用规范
GJB5941-2007 Z 军用公文数据交换格式
GJB5942-2007 Z 军用光接入网通用要求
GJB5949-2007 Z 战略卫星通信支线网Ku频段便携站通用规范
GJB5950-2007 Z 战略卫星通信支线网Ku频段车载站通用规范
GJB5951-2007 Z 呼入军用电话网主叫标识传送要求
GJB5952-2007 Z 装甲综合通信车通用要求
GJB5954-2007 Z 通信靶场通用试验规程中长波电台
GJB5955-2007 Z 通信靶场通用试验规程化学电源
GJB5956-2007 Z 通信靶场通用试验规程 通信车
GJB5957-2007 Z 通信靶场通用试验规程卫星通信系统地球站
GJB5958-2007 Z 战场通信频率管理系统干涉频谱检测仪通用规范
GJB5959-2007 Z 战场通信频率管理系统 频率管理终端通用规范
GJB5960-2007 Z 西阿尔规范
GJB5961-2007 Z 侦察训练场通用要求
GJB5962-2007 Z 军用直升机分类
GJB5964-2007 Z 军用直升机导弹发射装置通用规范
GJB5965-2007 Z 军用直升机吊挂系统通用规范
GJB5966-2007 Z 军用直升机应急漂浮装置通用规范
GJB5967-2007 Z 保障设备规划与研制要求
GJB5968-2007 Z 电荷偶合成像器件通用规范
GJB 21.1B-2006 K 遥测标准第1部分:无线电信道(代替GJB21.1A-92)
GJB 30A-2006 K 装甲车辆用合金结构钢钢棒规范(代替GJB30-85)
GJB 383.4A-2006 K 遥测系统及分系统测试方法第4部分:遥测发射机测试方法(代替GJB383.4-87)
GJB 420B-2006 K 航空工作液固体污染度分级(代替GJB420A-96)
GJB 423A-2006 K 舰艇火力控制系统电气模拟信息输入/输出接口 (代替GJB423-88)
GJB 516B-2006 K 军用汽车铅酸蓄电池规范(代替GJB516A-95)
GJB 572A-2006 K 飞机外部电源供电特性及一般要求(代替GJB572-88)
GJB 843.11A-2006 K 潜艇核动力装置设计安全规定第11部分:保护系统设计准则(代替GJB843.11-92)
GJB 843.12A-2006 K 潜艇核动力装置设计安全规定第12部分:仪表系统设计准则(代替GJB843.12-92)
GJB 843.16A-2006 K 潜艇核动力装置设计安全规定第16部分:一回路系统布置设计准则(代替GJB843.16-93)
GJB 843.21A-2006 K 潜艇核动力装置设计安全规定第21部分:辐射屏蔽设计准则(代替GJB843.21-94、GJB843.22-94)
GJB 788/1-2006 K J45ZLF系列力矩式自整角发送机规范
GJB 788/2-2006 K J45ZKF系列控制式自整角发送机规范
GJB 907A-2006 K 产品质量评审(代替GJB907-90)
GJB 1019A-2006 K 空空导弹电源通用规范(代替GJB1019-90)
GJB 1054A-2006 K 火炸药贮存安全规程(代替GJB1054-90)
GJB 1249A-2006 K 装甲车辆通信系统通用规范(代替GJB1249-91)
GJB 1327A-2003 端羟基聚丁二烯规范 修改单1
GJB 1356A-2006 K 装甲车辆柴油发动机用钢规范(代替GJB1356-92)
GJB 1399A-2006 K 飞机下视显示器通用规范(代替GJB1399-92)
GJB 1430A-2006 K 热电池组通用规范(代替GJB1430-92)
GJB 1442A-2006 K 检验工作要求(代替GJB1442-92)
GJB 1476A-2006 K 飞机试飞测试系统改装通用要求(代替GJB1476-92)
GJB 1723A-2006 K 舰船陀螺罗经通用规范(代替GJB1723-93)
GJB 1949A-2006 K 薄壁火炮炮身用合金钢无缝钢管规范(代替GJB1949-94)
GJB 2018A-2006 K 无人机发射系统通用要求(代替GJB2018-94)
GJB 2241.1-2006 K H 脉冲激光测距仪性能试验方法(代替GJB2241-94)
GJB 2295A-2006 K 航空用不锈钢冷轧板规范(代替GJB2295-95)
GJB 2468A-2006 K 石英纤维正交三向编织物规范(代替GJB2468-95)
GJB 2499A-2006 K 包带弹簧式星箭连接分离装置通用规范(代替GJB2499-95)
GJB 2502.1-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第1部分:总则
GJB 2502.2-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第2部分:太阳吸收比测试(代替GJB2502-95)
GJB 2502.3-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第3部分:发射率测试(代替GJB2052-95)
GJB 2502.4-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第4部分:气动环境试验(代替GJB2502-95)
GJB 2502.5-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第5部分:真空-紫外辐照试验(代替GJB2502-95)
GJB 2502.6-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第6部分:真空-质子辐照试验(代替GJB2502-95)
GJB 2502.7-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第7部分:真空-电子辐照试验(代替GJB2502-95)
GJB 2502.8-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第8部分:热循环试验(代替GJB2502-95)
GJB 2502.9-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第9部分:原子氧试验
GJB 2502.10-2006 K 航天器热控涂层试验方法第10部分:综合辐照试验
GJB 2510A-2006 K 有可靠性指标的电容器用钽粉规范(代替GJB2510-95)
GJB 2511A-2006 K 有可靠性指标的电容器用钽丝规范(代替GBJ2511-95)
GJB 2611A-2006 K 航空用高温合金冷拉棒材规范(代替GJB2611-96)
GJB 3306-1998 火箭喷管用石墨规范 修改单1
GJB 3318A-2006 K 航空用高温合金冷轧带材规范(代替GJB3318-98)
GJB 5103/1-2006 K H 06 耐高温圆形电连接器详细规范
GJB 5426.2-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第2部分:核材料和放射性物质
GJB 5426.3-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第3部分:航天器及其运载火箭
GJB 5426.4-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第4部分:航空器
GJB 5426.5-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第5部分:船
GJB 5426.6-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第6部分:武器和弹药
GJB 5426.7-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第7部分:金属材料
GJB 5426.8-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第8部分:金属制品
GJB 5426.9-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第9部分:机床
GJB 5426.10-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第10部分:仪器仪表
GJB 5426.11-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第11部分:通用机械
GJB 5426.13-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码第13部分:橡胶和塑料制品
GJB 5853-2006 K 1,2,4-丁三醇规范
GJB 5854-2006 K 材料、零件和焊接件渗透及磁粉检验验收要求
GJB 5855-2006 K 固体火箭发动机维护使用通用技术要求
GJB/J 5856-2006 K 标准太阳电池检定规程
GJB/J 5857-2006 K 交流标准功率源检定规程
GJB/J 5858-2006 K 0.05W/c㎡~2W/c㎡辐射热流传感器检定规程
GJB/J 5859-2006 K 宽频带频谱分析仪检定规程
GJB 5860-2006 K 水面舰艇导弹通用化垂直发射装置通用要求
GJB 5861-2006 K 不锈钢弹簧垫圈通用规范
GJB 5862.1-2006 K 不锈钢弹簧垫圈第1部分:标准型弹簧垫圈
GJB 5862.2-2006 K 不锈钢弹簧垫圈第2部分:轻型弹簧垫圈
GJB 5862.3-2006 K 不锈钢弹簧垫圈第3部分:重型弹簧垫圈
GJB 5863-2006 K 飞机前轮摆振试验要求
GJB 5864-2006 K 飞机牵引杆和牵引装置型别、基本参数和技术要求
GJB 5865-2006 K 线性令牌传递多路数据总线有效性测试方法
GJB 5867-2006 K 航空单芯多模光纤光缆连接器规范
GJB 5868-2006 K 乘员应急离机救生系统弹射动力装置通用规范
GJB 5869-2006 K 乘员应急离机救生系统弹药驱动装置通用规范
GJB 5870-2006 K 硫化橡胶与金属摩擦系数的测定
GJB 5871-2006 K 航空电机用耐高温无溶剂绝缘漆规范
GJB 5872-2006 K 定向有机玻璃层间剪切强度试验方法
GJB 5873-2006 K 模压硫化橡胶线性收缩率的测定
GJB 5874-2006 K 数字式电磁阀通用规范
GJB 5875-2006 K 瞄准吊舱电视探测系统通用规范
GJB 5876-2006 K 瞄准吊舱稳定平台/伺服系统通用规范
GJB 5877-2006 K 金属材料应力腐蚀开裂敏感性快速评价试验方法
GJB 5878-2006 K 双轴测试转台通用规范
GJB 5879-2006 K GH2132MJ螺纹螺栓和螺钉通用规范
GJB 5880-2006 K 软件配置管理
GJB 5881-2006 K 技术文件版本标识及管理要求
GJB 5882-2006 K 产品技术文件分类与代码
GJB 5884-2006 K 直升机“地面共振”试验要求
GJB 5885-2006 K 航空断路器通用规范
GJB 5886-2006 K 飞机液压系统工作液含水量检测方法
GJB 5887-2006 K 无任机任务设备通用要求
GJB 5888-2006 K 鱼雷脱靶指示器规范
GJB/J 5890-2006 K 1L~5000L标准金属量器检定规程
GJB 5891.1-2006 K H 火工品药剂试验方法(代替GJB737.1~.9-1989~1993、GJB737.11-93、GJB737.13~14-94)
GJB 5892-2006 K 红外辐射率测量方法
GJB 5893-2006 K 末制导激光测距目标指示器性能试验方法
GJB 5894-2006 K 火箭破障弹综合破障模拟试验方法
GJB/J 5896-2006 K 氧指数标准物质规范
GJB/J 5897-2006 K 高纯硅溶胶成分标准物质规范
GJB/J 5898-2006 K 8mm波隐身材料反射率标准物质规范
GJB/J 5899-2006 K 烟密度标准物质规范
GJB 5900-2006 K 高炮身管寿命评定准则
GJB 5902.1-2006 KH06 微声手枪试验方法
GJB 5903-2006 K 5.8毫米手枪弹规范
GJB 5904-2006 K 舰船用离心泵机械密封规范
GJB 5905-2006 K 600A及以上快恢复二极管规范
GJB 5906-2006 K 军用车辆复合材料油封规范
GJB 5907-2006 K 导弹用多晶硫化锌整流罩材料规范
GJB 5909-2006 K 铝及铝合金中氢的测定加热提取 热导法
GJB 5910-2006 K 高纯镉规范
GJB 5911-2006 K 舰艇用15CrNi3MoV钢锻钢规范
GJB 5912-2006 K 航天航空用小直径不锈钢无缝管规范
GJB 5913-2006 K 镍钛铌形状记忆合金棒材规范
GJB 5914-2006 K 各种质量等级军用半导体器件破坏性物理分析方法
GJB 5915-2006 K 军用塑料制品质量控制
GJB/Z 2A-2006 K 厂(所)际质量保证体系工作指南(代替GJB/Z2-88)
GJB/Z 226-2006 K 潜艇非耐压船体结构设计计算方法
GJB/Z 1687A-2006K 军工产品承制单位内部质量审核指南(代替GJB1687-93)
GJB3593/1-2006 K Y25系列电连接器详细规范
GJB5426.12-2006 K 国防科技工业物资分类与代码 第12部分:电气机械
GJB5852-2006 K 装备研制风险分析要求
GJB5883-2006 K 直升机动力装置飞行试验要求
GJB5889-2006 K 鱼类回收打捞操作规程
GJB5895.1-2006KH 反坦克导弹试验方法(GJB5895.1~.30-2006)
GJB5901-2006 K 反坦克导弹武器系统一级检测设备规范
GJB5908-2006 K 舰船用白铜管材规范


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

150 Reporting For Duty


New Beginning & The End Of An Era



re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I still haven't found a copy of GJB 5860-2006(K), but I did dug up a whole bunch of other standards.
Actually several posts back I did post a URL to a post on Baidu that has the document, just click on the link below:
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

The only problem is that the document is scanned and all in Chinsese (duh!) so somebody might need to translate for our non-Chinese members here.
Last edited:


VIP Professional
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

since each cell is self contained, there doesn't have to be a 8-cell module. in theory there could be single cell modules. In reality we will probably see more cells grouped together but 2-cell or 4-cell modules are a possibility. That way one can use the deck space more efficiently. Where more than four 8-cell modules couldn't be crammed inside the vls well area on 052c, using 4-cell modules one could fit 3 by 4 such four cell modules. That would give 48 cells in the bow area. with possible 16 cells aft, that might give 64 in all.

Of course, this latest pic disaproves the 48 in front. Unless that image is A) not applicable to our destroyer or B) shows the rear VLS well. Though, 32 seems like way too much for aft VLS.

In any case, 48 hq9 missiles was the standard on 052c. it makes little sense to go below that for 052d. And if one wants to use some other kind of missiles as well, total cell count should be slightly higher.

self-contained cell standardized for one fixed width is still not a brilliant idea, though. While it may be good for cold launch canisters and it may be okay for mid-sized missiles like hq16 (i believe the hot launch canisters, without the outer exhaust section, are narrower than mk41 canisters. one could fit a hq16 with folded fins inside a 0.5 by 0.5 meter space. And that is all nice and well for a hq16, but when one wants to fit a quad pack inside that space - suddenly one is faced with the prospect of fitting only relatively small missiles. 25 centimeter wide area would allow for a missile with (folded?) wingspan of 35 cm. If one wants to cold launch, larger missile options become available, of course...


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

As I was saying before, a VLS cell, even a CCL cell, is not independent of its surrounding environment. In reality you will not see single or probably even double celled modules. Maybe not even triple-celled modules. It's absurdly retarded to have a self-sufficient all-up VLS round complete with structural support as well as power and electronics cables running to a single cell. This is far too wasteful in terms of space and expense. They will come in modules of 8 (2x4), maybe modules of 4 (1x4, 2x2) or 6 (1x6, 2x3) at minimum. If the front VLS is comprised of four 2x4 VLS modules, that will be the sign the PLAN intends to manufacture them in minimum sizes of 2x4, at least for the time being. Otherwise they would have fit more.

To be perfectly honest, CCL is not a great solution to anything at all. Being able to cold-launch means what, exactly? Nothing except being able to launch HQ-9; and not only that, but vertically ejecting an HQ-9 which fails to ignite WILL result in that round falling onto the VLS modules, since it will not be launched at an angle like from the revolvers. This is far more dangerous than the arrangement on the 052C. And let's face it, is HQ-9 all that special? 120km range is not all that much these days. And what price are you paying for being able to mix cold launch and hot launch? Larger cell requirements +/- reduced internal volume, as well as different VLS module types for different vessels (ala 054A). Hot launch VLS with a shared venting system is by far the most efficient use of space, does not involve ejecting rounds right on top of the VLS (i.e. if the motor doesn't fire it doesn't get ejected), and if designed properly can withstand fully-restrained full-motor burns, and can also be flooded for fire suppression. It does not surprise me that the USN for example chose to go with the Mark 57 hot launch VLS on its DDX series over CCL's even though the CCL is far more modular than the Mark 57.


VIP Professional
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Since everyone has their opinion, which is no more right or wrong than anyone else's opinion until precise photographic evidence becomes available, it is best to wait a few days or weeks and see just what sort of vls arrangement the ship has. that won't prevent us from speculating, of course, which is the fun part. :)

and the waterline beam of 052c and tico isn't as important, ratios of overall beam and width of VLS area is important. That gives the actual numbers for VLS width. 052c hull has similar purpose and similar shape to Tico and we already know it can house two revolver 6-cell wells side by side. When we substract the middle part (the gap, which accounts for the slanted cells), the remaining width is still considerable. Like i said, at least 7,4 meters. And the 17 meter overall beam is there precisely because of GE images, so it is not a figure taken out of thin air. Could there be errors? Sure, a decimeter here or there. But one can't expect such a ship to have a super narrow beam, the error can't possibly be more than 0,5 meters. CCTV report had official numbers for 054a - 16 meter beam. For a frigate that's maybe 60% of destroyer's displacement. 052c can't be narrower or even as narrow as that. And even if one does the calculations with 16,5 wide beam, we are still looking at 7.2 meter wide VLS bay.

edit: i agree the self sufficient CCL modules/cell don't seem like a good idea. at least in the form they are presented in that document.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

and the waterline beam of 052c and tico isn't as important, ratios of overall beam and width of VLS area is important. That gives the actual numbers for VLS width. 052c hull has similar purpose and similar shape to Tico and we already know it can house two revolver 6-cell wells side by side. When we substract the middle part (the gap, which accounts for the slanted cells), the remaining width is still considerable. Like i said, at least 7,4 meters. And the 17 meter overall beam is there precisely because of GE images, so it is not a figure taken out of thin air. Could there be errors? Sure, a decimeter here or there. But one can't expect such a ship to have a super narrow beam, the error can't possibly be more than 0,5 meters. CCTV report had official numbers for 054a - 16 meter beam. For a frigate that's maybe 60% of destroyer's displacement. 052c can't be narrower or even as narrow as that. And even if one does the calculations with 16,5 wide beam, we are still looking at 7.2 meter wide VLS bay.
Well the point was not whether a 052C could fit 6 or 8 Mk 41-sized VLS modules in a 2x3 or 2x4 configuration; I believe it can fit at least the 2x3 arrangement, maybe even the 2x4. The point is whether the front deck of a 052C is larger than that of the Tico. It is not. You were trying to argue that because you were also trying to argue that the front section could even fit the larger CCL's in a 2x4 by 2x4 = 64 cell arrangement, which I find to be a shocking claim, to say the least. Regardless, it looks like not only can the front NOT fit 64 CCL cells, it can fit only half that, or thereabouts.


VIP Professional
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I agree that 052c doesnt have larger front deck area than Tico. Perhaps it even has slightly smaller deck area, but if so - not by much. But all that is not so important. What i do want to point out is the area of VLS well. It has larger vls well area than Tico uses. I will try to be more clear: 64 cells on Tico occupy less area than 6 revolvers on 052c with hypothetic purely vertical cells would have occupied. (right now the area is even more larger due to slant missiles but even without that extra area, remaining area is noticably larger.) My previous posts gave the more exact measurements in square meters.

We will see the real situation come out in the coming weeks. depending on the actual size of cells and modules, i am speculating that we will see 3 by 4 arrangement in the front for 4-cell modules and a total of 48 cells. Before i argued there could be 64 cells, but that was before i took into account the extra area slant missiles were taking up. When i corrected that i was left with 48. Still, because of possible errors and not known variables, if the cells/modules end up smaller than i tried to deduce from the images, the area of vls well will still be enough for a 64 missile count in either 4 or 8 cell modules. But right now my best guess would be 48.