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In a nutshell it is racism. The irrationality of it is what potentially can lead to unintentional escalation and failure of deterrence in any standoff situation with China like around Taiwan or in the South China Sea.

The Chinese think surely the other side can see the objective reality and performance data and realize they are outmatched and should back down or at least not escalate further. However the other side literally cannot comprehend and/or rejects objective reality that conflicts with their racism. This means that then they can escalate as they cannot believe the consequences will actually happen since they refuse to accept that China is competent and willing to stand its ground.

I have mentioned before how this mentality is inculcated at a young age with the example of the documentary in which a Danish class competed vs a Chinese class. Despite losing in every area tested (English, math, creativity) they still thought they were the true winners due to having more “fun” and how the Danish principal thought the Danish class was more creative regardless of the results of the competition.

The documentary maker said that there was now a dangerous combination of ignorance and arrogance in the West.
Assuming Westerners are indeed this moronic, why is this a bad thing?

If the West (or just the U.S.) want to prosecute a conflict that sees their conventional military completely ruined for little or no gain in their geopolitical objectives, why shouldn't Zhongnanhai welcome this?

Do you think the United States would proceed to escalate to a nuclear exchange just because they lose the bulk of the 7th Fleet and a large chunk of their air force?


Lieutenant General
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Yes the US in panic just over explaining why their mighty 6th Gen fighter has canards after they said the J-20 wasn't stealthy because it had canards. I bet that picture of the supposed F-47 isn't real. They just had maybe one of Elon's geeks draw up something so Trump had something to show. Why? Because it still only exists on paper. Remember Trump is the one who thought he can just use a Sharpie and redraw the direction of a hurricane to declare it official.


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I saw that mentioned on Reddit.


"Germanic Victory Theory" (also known as "Germanic Studies" or "Germanic Barbarian Studies") is an internet slang term rather than a formal academic discipline. It was created by netizens as a satirical expression based on historical events and contemporary reality. The term originally emerged from a humorous take on the rise of the Germanic peoples in history and later evolved into an ironic critique of exaggerated victory narratives in the present.

It is widely used to comment on individuals or groups who, despite being in adversity, insist on inevitable victory with excessive confidence. The origin of this concept can be traced back to the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, where Arminius (later known as Hermann) led Germanic tribes to defeat the Roman legions. This event was later mythologized by German nationalists. Since the 19th century, Hermann’s image has been repeatedly reinterpreted, and among far-right circles, it has developed into a typical paradigm of "Germanic Victory Theory"—the belief that the Germanic people are destined to triumph over foreign oppression. This fatalistic view of victory has been used to justify notions of ethnic superiority.


**The First Law of the Germanic Barbarians:** *The Germanic Barbarians are always winning. The more similar one is to them, the more one wins; the less similar, the less one wins.*

This law explains many social phenomena.

For example, whenever the Germanic Barbarians discuss China's advancements, outlets like the BBC always follow up with *"But at what cost?"* The First Law explains this well—because China is a heretic, and heretics are not allowed to win.

Another example is how the Germanic Barbarians love "freedom of navigation" near China. Even though China is far more powerful, broken-down European ships still insist on coming. Again, the First Law provides a perfect explanation—China, as a heretic, must never be allowed to win against the Germanic Barbarians.

According to the First Law, Western Europe and the United States are the **First Caste**, always winning. Eastern Europe is the **Second Caste**—they have some minor issues but still always win. Russia is the **Third Caste**—it wins a lot but loses occasionally. Japan and South Korea belong to the **Fourth Caste**, where the Germanic Barbarians *permit* them to win. The **Fifth Caste** consists of those in the Third World who admire the Germanic Barbarians—people whom the Barbarians *allow* to *appear* as if they are winning. The hierarchy between these castes is strictly enforced.

This is why people from the Fifth Caste sometimes mock the Chinese—after all, they see them as heretics. Members of the Fifth Caste take great pride in being at the bottom tier of Germanic Barbarian ideology.


This theory helps explain a major source of confusion for many Chinese people:

**"On what basis do you look down on me?"**

As China's understanding of the world deepens, this confusion has only grown more prominent.

A few examples:

* Why do impoverished Syrians mock Chinese people with *"ching chang chong"*?
* Why did a Ukrainian official claim that Chinese and Indian people are intellectually inferior?
* Why are Indians constantly comparing themselves to China, brimming with confidence?
* At the start of the trade war, why did so many people in Hong Kong believe China was doomed to lose? Why did they question why China would even compete with the U.S. over *"Made in China 2025"*? Wouldn’t it be better to just keep making shirts and socks?
* Why do tiny, insignificant countries dare to send warships right up to China’s doorstep?

For Chinese people, this is a **genuine** source of bewilderment. It’s not about arrogance—it’s that they **truly** can’t understand it.

I shared Xiaomi’s SU7 Ultra with some Saudis, telling them it has **1,500 horsepower**, is the **fastest four-door car**, and is **incredibly powerful**.

The Saudis didn’t believe it. They pulled out their phones to check—**Tesla, McLaren, Maserati—none were faster than the SU7 Ultra**.

I then said, *"And it’s super cheap too—only $70,000!"*

The Saudis responded, *"Oh, for a Chinese-made car, that’s too expensive. Because Chinese cars have poor quality."*

To someone who thinks in terms of **performance**, this logic is **incomprehensible**. If my car is **faster than yours**, **smarter than yours**, doesn’t that mean **its quality is better**?

But through the lens of **Germanic Barbarian Theory**, this makes perfect sense—**quality has nothing to do with performance; it is purely determined by caste.**

one more


Take the recent example of the **Type 055 fleet circling Australia**—the reaction from this Aussie guy in the picture is a textbook case of the **Germanic Barbarian "Sacred Race" mentality**:

* **Your navy is several times stronger than mine?** *I don’t see it.*
* **You are threatening my national security?** *I don’t see it.*
* **All I can think about is: "Why is this Dalit right in my face?"** And he simply **cannot** figure out the answer, no matter how hard he tries.

Even though, to **us**, the answer is **obvious**.
It's not as if this scenario hasn't played out 1000s of times in history, going as far back as the Egyptians and Hittites denying the "barbarian" Sea Peoples. The British natives turning up their noses against Normans. Indian Kingdoms designating newly arrived Brits and Portuguese as "dalits". The Qing demanding the king/queen of England to prostate themselves to be able to have relations. And so on.

The thing that needs to be understood is that there can be no peaceful relation with hostile "natives".

Until they are destroyed (not necessarily with only violence, it is not about the people, but about their culture, mentality), there can't be any peace offering to them, the only thing that can be considered are ceasefires that let China move up the lines.

The "West" does not denote only the main rich provinces of US and EU, but also all willing third world nations collaborating with them, like for example Syria or Egypt. These "frontier provinces" should not be shown any mercy because they operate on the same "native mentality" as America itself, as you illustrate in your example about the Saudis.

There are many third world countries who are friends of America yet think they're entitled help from China. These nations need to be killed off just as much as the main US threat.

China drives the biggest economy in the world, outputs the most research in the world, produces the most vibrant goods economy in the world, these third world countries should be kissing Beijing's feet right now for the privilege to participate in this system, yet a fake poor nation with no history other than being a colony like Estonia, Syria or Argentina want to support the fake hegemon US over the real hegemon that is actually physically able to give them fair pay and poverty relief.

The only fair response is to make these freeloaders work off their debt, with one sided resource, land sale and trade deals. More people in China need to embrace this political standpoint. "Native mentality" cannot be a hinder to the line going up in China, if it ever becomes a hinder, then people need to take up arms, kick in the doors on these miserable freeloaders and put them to work.


Registered Member
"South Korean conglomerate Hyundai on Monday announced a roughly $21 billion investment in U.S. onshoring.

A new steel plant in Louisiana, which is part of the investment, is set to hire more than 1,400 employees and will produce next-generation steel that will be used by Hyundai’s two U.S. auto plants to manufacture electric vehicles.[...]"

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Did those flow in already? Or still pledges?


Junior Member
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Did those flow in already? Or still pledges?
You know, in software business, there is something called "paperware" and there is something called "demoware".

For example, when executives or marketing people were talking about products or services over PPT without phsyical being, that would be called "paperware".

And in many industry trade shows, lots of stands were showing something with impressive measurements but would say availability in a few months. that would be called "demoware".

And I have a real-life of example how demoware could enrich people. About 25 years ago, there was this hot startup that was showing its great switching platform (a rack-mount product) around. Long story short, that startup was acquired by a public tech company with lots of cash. Later, after the public tech company finished the acquisition, they found out that hot switching platform could only process one call at any given moment, otherwise the platform would crash. But the advertised call capacity was in several 100K.

Yes, I mean, when I see people talking numbers like in your chart, my reaction was "Oh yeah, welcome to phantom money", or literally just papers. For example, TSMC CEO gave that 100B figure to Trump during his most recent announcement with the Trump admin, which is similar to Foxconn CEO did in Wisconsin during the Trump 1.0 admin. Anybody still remember what was actually going on for that bigly Foxconn investment in Wisconsin?


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Predatory financing for groceries.
Mainstream westoids(with some notable exceptions )are addicted to western garbage convenience food-learn to cook(with all the gadgets/tools available to us,we won't be spending all day cooking as well)-it's health/strength/vitality- not lifestyle-and save lots of money and you'll be very healthy for work/life.Also they are absolutely addicted to alcohol/drugs not good for them or the health system later on.
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